Stories Ulana Chapman Stories Ulana Chapman

BP Picnic & Baptisms

Sunday, June 13th, after a year of being unable to gather all together — we gathered at Bristol Town Beach for a picnic and to celebrate the baptisms of five people who took this important step of faith. Click through to read their baptism stories in their own words.

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Stories Ulana Chapman Stories Ulana Chapman

Student baptisms at the Beach Party on June 2nd

Each year in June, the Student Group says farewell to the graduating seniors and welcomes in the rising 6th graders. This day was special as two seniors were baptized, and it Jacob and Jordan’s last student group. Check out some photos and read Corey’s and Jean’s baptism stories.

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Ulana Chapman Ulana Chapman

Updated Mask Guidance for BP

State guidance and COVID-19 restrictions are changing rapidly. Rhode Island has followed CDC guidance dropping the mask mandate for people who are fully vaccinated. Starting this weekend (5/23) we are updating our policy to match – individuals who are fully vaccinated are not required to wear a mask during worship at BridgePointe.

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Ulana Chapman Ulana Chapman

New Service Times Starting Memorial Day Weekend

We’re announcing a change in our service times! Starting Memorial Day weekend, May 30th, BridgePointe’s Sunday services will be at 9:00 am and 10:45 am. State guidance is changing to allow 100% capacity with three feet of social distancing allowing us to go to two service rather than spreading across three like we are now.

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Ulana Chapman Ulana Chapman

Student Baptisms: McKayla & Emmy

Two students chose to be baptized as a sign of their faith and commitment to Jesus, Wednesday April 21st in front of their BP Student family during the vacation week Student Hangout. Here are their baptism stories in their own words. Join us in celebrating and praying for them as they choose to follow after Jesus with their lives.

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Ulana Chapman Ulana Chapman

BP Kids Leadership Transition

Jared and Mike Moran share an important leadership transition in BP Kids. Click through to watch their video announcement and find out more.

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Stories Ulana Chapman Stories Ulana Chapman

Baptism Story: Alyssa T.

After coming to BridgePointe at the invitation of a friend, Alyssa encountered a Jesus unlike the one she had heard about from others and chose to respond in baptism. She was baptized Sunday, April 18th in the 11:30 service. Below is her baptism story in her own words.

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Resource Guest User Resource Guest User

Help for those who struggle

Sunday’s message “in the Kitchen” touched on a core part of our daily lives, eating and drinking. Despite God’s intent for food to nourish us, give delight and cause us to praise Him for His provision, addiction and unhealthy behavior can be found in the kitchen. If Sunday’s message felt like a trigger for you, or someone you love, read this post and reach out to us.

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