What to Expect

Come worship with us.

We are a community of people who have been changed by the Good News of Jesus. At BridgePointe we believe that we’re not meant to follow Jesus on our own. God designed us to figure it out together – and we're certain if you joined us, we'd be better off for it. We believe we grow more in faith and can do more good for those around us when we do it together.

Join us on a Sunday. 

Come join us Sunday mornings at 8:30, 10:00 or 11:30 am at 855 Waterman Ave in East Providence. All three services feature teaching, live music and children’s programming.

Our building is in an industrial business complex with plenty of parking. When you come into our lobby we have coffee and tea available. The auditorium to the left is where services are held, and to the right you’ll find restrooms and further down the hall are our children's classrooms. 

Dress is casual or fancy - whatever you like, and we don't care if you have it all together or barely could get out of bed that morning. We believe God meets us right where we're at, and we believe our diversity is our strength.

We have children's programming for ages 1 through fifth grade. There's the Nursery (1 year olds), Pre K room (2’s & 3’s), an Early Learner’s room (4 yrs - Kindergarten), and an Elementary room (1st - 5th) where the kids have their own time of singing, games and instruction.  
We encourage middle and high school students to join worship in the auditorium, but if they’re looking for something right at their level, they should check out BP Youth, full of fun and teaching tailored for them..

Church Online

When you can’t make it in person, church online is available from our website and YouTube channel. We livestream our 8:30 and 10:00 am services.

What can I expect when I come?

  • Our awesome parking team will be in the lot to greet you when you come.

  • On your way to the auditorium our team will hand you pre-packaged communion.

  • If you’d like to give, you can give online and we have giving envelopes available for you to use and place in boxes as you leave.

We hope to see you soon! Questions? Email us.