Announcement: New Service Times
BridgePointe’s service times are changing on September 29, 2019.
Our new service times will be: 8:30 am, 10:00 am and 11:30 am. This is big news because everyone will be affected. The biggest change regards the end of our Sunday evening service.
New Shepherd: Charles Stunson
On Sunday, September 8th, BridgePointe appointed Charles Stunson as the newest Shepherd of the church. Read more…
Erin's Story: Going Deep in Groups
We asked Erin Stalvey to tell us how she became connected to a group at BridgePointe and what the experience has been like. Moving here from Tennessee, being a part of a group became a necessity. She also shares the impact of completing Rooted as a group.
Fall Class Highlight: FPU
Financial Peace University (FPU) is an 8 week class that teaches step-by-step how to create a budget, pay off debt, spend wisely, and save for the future. Brian Cowgur has led this class for the past couple of years and we’ve had a good number of stories come out of the class. Here are two recent FPU “graduates” sharing about their experience and why you should join.
Baptism Celebration - August 24
Saturday, August 24th, five people, Arthur, Kevin, Cindy, Gina, Alison and Lauren, decided to express their faith in Jesus through baptism off the rocky shore at Colt State Park. Here are their baptism stories.
Staff Update: An Unexpected Move
We have some bittersweet news to share: Juanita Moore has moved with her daughter Carolyn and four grandchildren to Norfolk, Virginia. While she regrets the short timeline the move necessitated, Juanita is excited to move with her family and for the blessing of new opportunities that the move provides them. A consistent smile behind the cafe counter, a loud laugher and big hugger, a much loved member of the staff and a steady presence for so many in the church, Juanita will be missed by many at BridgePointe.
BP Students: New Hampshire Mission Trip
BridgePointe sent 11 high school students and 4 adult leaders to work with Restoration House Ministries in Manchester, New Hampshire the last week in June. At BridgePointe we believe students can make a difference today as they follow Jesus. Not only are they the leaders of the future; they are the leaders of today. We are so proud to see our students serve like Jesus and show people the love of Jesus.
BP Kids: July "Funday Sundays"
This July, we are having a series of “Sunday Funday” Dress Up Days as a way to focus on joy and prayer. Every Sunday in July is a Dress Up Day, themed with a different way for you to come dressed up to BP. Then, we are inviting you and your family to pray for a topic that relates to the Dress Up Day for the rest of the week.
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