Up Sunday / Dealing with Change
On June 23rd, we are having an “Up Sunday.” This means we are moving all kids in grade school to their next grade. For many kids, that only means they are another grade older and cooler. But for Kindergarteners and 5th graders, June 23rd will present them with a lot of change. Find out how you can help your kids know what to expect and navigate change when it happens.
Summer Kickoff 2019 - Baptism Stories
Today BridgePointe is assembling at Bristol Town Beach to celebrate baptisms. These baptisms are an outward expression of surrender and faith in the God that’s been pursuing them and restoring them through Jesus. Here are the stories of the people choosing to be baptized today. Read them and praise God with us for His work in each life. Join us in praying that these baptisms are just the starting point for each of these people.
More stories and photos will be added to this post.
Letter from the Pezolds
During our Sunday services, we announced that the Pezolds are moving home to Indiana and Josh Pezold will be leaving BridgePointe’s staff. Josh was one of the original pastors who started BridgePointe back in 2013. He and Katie moved here with Jared & Rachel Cowgur and Carson & Angie Cheatham. We are so grateful for their contribution over the years and, while we will certainly miss them, we wish them God’s blessing on their next chapter in ministry.
Let Your Kingdom Come
Each Tuesday, our current First 15 guide features a song reflection that lets us pray through and reflect on the song lyrics we sing on Sunday. In this blog post, Rachel shares her thoughts on choosing a new song, “Let Your Kingdom Come” for us to sing together on Sundays.
Baptism Celebration - March 31, 2019
On Sunday March 31st, student Alison Holmer was baptized in the morning, and Amy Brown and Anthony Kennedy were baptized in the 5pm service. Here are their stories in their own words.
Spoken Word - God is Like
Kerstyn Desjardin wrote and performed this spoken word in the call to worship on Sunday, March 10th, the first Sunday in our series Seeing Clearly.
Lent 2019: Fasting Together
Join BridgePointe for a church-wide fast on Wednesdays during the season of Lent. It is our prayer that during this time God will refine our hearts and minds so we can be accurate and unified on what we believe about Jesus and the essentials of our faith.
Student Baptism Celebration
Sunday January 27th, two students were baptized as a sign of their faith in Jesus. Here are their baptism stories in their own words.
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