Let Your Kingdom Come

Each Tuesday, our current First 15 guide features a song reflection that lets us pray through and reflect on the song lyrics we sing on Sunday. In this blog post, Rachel shares her thoughts on choosing a new song, “Let Your Kingdom Come” for us to sing together on Sundays. Be sure to check out the guide and look at the Tuesday devotions to engage with the lyrics of the songs we sing on Sundays in a new way.

“Music is a powerful element of our worship of God, both when we gather together and personally. When we sing songs that are familiar, there is power in being able to declare those truths from memory. Sometimes, singing a new song together can catch us off guard. This weekend we introduced the new song, “Let Your Kingdom Come,” by Bob Kauflin. We introduce new songs because learning songs together gives us a fresh way to express God-glorifying emotion, help us remember the truths about God, and express our unity in the Gospel and mission of Jesus.

As we began planning for this series in Acts, my heart was stirred to think about what an incredible time it was in the life of this early church. For the first disciples, their heads were probably still spinning from all that had happened—from having Jesus with them, to witnessing his gruesome death, to beholding his glorious resurrection, to being confused by his departure from them back to Heaven. Yet before He left them, he gave them a very clear and incredible mission— “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) 

Their lives were to be given over to this mission—bearing witness to the resurrected Jesus, the One who defeated death—because this was the news that changed everything. This gave their lives a new purpose. Jesus was going to bring His Kingdom, just as He promised, but it wasn’t in the way these disciples expected. Instead, Jesus was bringing His Kingdom through them, His witnesses, those who would become His Church.

As we are in this journey through the book of Acts, the song “Let Your Kingdom Come” echos the mission these disciples were given—for Christ to be known wherever we are—and it reminds us that we, too, have been entrusted with this same mission.”

Rachel Cowgur
Worship Arts Director