Letter from the Pezolds

During our Sunday services, we announced that the Pezolds are moving home to Indiana and Josh Pezold will be leaving BridgePointe’s staff. Josh was one of the original pastors who started BridgePointe back in 2013. He and Katie moved here with Jared & Rachel Cowgur and Carson & Angie Cheatham.

We are so grateful for their contribution over the years and, while we will certainly miss them, we wish them God’s blessing on their next chapter in ministry. Sunday, June 9th will be the last Sunday with Josh on staff here. Make sure you join us that Sunday as we together send them off.

Hello BridgePointe Family, 

I wanted to update you on an exciting yet difficult decision. Katie and I will be moving to Indiana this upcoming June. 

I’m intentionally saying we are moving because saying we are leaving BridgePointe doesn’t feel quite right. BridgePointe will always be a part of us because the people of the church have truly become our family. You have loved us, supported us, and been there when we needed you.  We are forever grateful for you being our family away from family. As our family, it’s important to us to share with you the reasons for our transition. 

First, over the past several months, God has been stirring within us a desire to be closer to our family in Indiana. Katie’s entire family lives in Indiana and half of my family lives there was well. This includes my four younger siblings under 12 years of age. Soon Katie and I will be celebrating 10 years of marriage and since we’ve been married, we’ve never lived close to our families. We’ve missed almost every birthday, several holidays, and the joy of being with family in the day to day. This transition will give us the opportunity to know our family in a way we’ve truly never experienced before. 

Also, as our family has grown, our hearts have also been burdened to give our children the opportunity to know their grandparents. There is something beautiful and irreplaceable to have grandparents love and cherish your children. We understand that not every family has the opportunity or the family dynamic to experience this type of loving and meaningful relationship. So the privilege of our children knowing their grandparents is all the more meaningful. 

Second, God has also burdened our hearts to minster in the place where we grew up. As many of you know, there is something amazing about helping those you knew when you were younger to take steps toward Jesus. Now we will have the opportunity to do just that. 

Over this past month God has opened a door for me to serve at a local church in the Indianapolis area. Starting in July, I will be serving as the Outreach Minister for Traders Point Christian Church. There are so many exciting things about this opportunity. One of them is that I will help to oversee their Foster and Adoption Ministry. 

Many of you already know our fostering story. While serving at BridgePointe, God began to open our hearts to love children in the foster care system. This passion grew as we opened our home to two children and now adopting our daughter Nailah in June. In God’s wisdom, He’s giving me the opportunity to serve vulnerable children in Indiana with the same passion He planted in us while serving at BridgePointe. 

Katie will continue to serve in the public schools as a 5th grade teacher. Just this week God opened a door for Katie to get a teaching job in the exact same area we will be living and in the same subjects she’s been teaching for the past 4 years. Truly, God’s timing is incredible. 

Finally, as we transition I want to say that I’ve never believed MORE in the mission and direction of BridgePointe than I do today. I believe that the best days of how God will use BridgePointe to advance the Gospel are yet to come. If God hadn’t open these doors, we would continue to be excited to help people know Jesus through BridgePointe. The staff, shepherds, and leaders of BridgePointe are men and women with deep wells of integrity and wisdom. They are worth following, trusting, and pursuing Jesus with. 

We’ve had the privilege to learn so much from the leadership and people of the church these past seven years. The most important being…. Disciples of Jesus are made in relationships. Helping people take steps toward Jesus and following Jesus personally can only happen as we do it TOGETHER. Gathering together matters. Knowing and being known matters. Relationally pursing those far from Jesus matters. These truths we take with us, pray we continue to live them out from afar, and trust you will do the same. 

Thank you for being our family. Thank you for praying for us. Thank you for continuing to make disciples of Jesus in relationships. Keep praying for one and we will do the same. 

Your family, 

Josh & Katie Pezold