Re-evaluate & find your rhythm
In this week's High Five – Jared talks about the importance of the church gathering together. In this time of COVID-19, being together still looks different for different people right now. BridgePointe's reopening next weekend is a chance to re-evaluate what's been working for you and what hasn't and choose one of three ways for you to experience together-ness in order to grow in your faith.
BP Kids Quest Kits
Your kids can embark on a spiritual quest this summer. The BP Kids Quest Kit gives you everything you need to help your kids’ faith grow and embark on the adventure of the Summer!
High Five BP – Enlarge Your Circle
Keith brings you this week’s High Five. He’s talking about our upcoming Reopening on June 28, which action points from Sunday’s message hit home for him, and digs into the parable of The Good Samaritan.
Talking to Your Kids When Life Hurts
Can you talk to your kids about race and injustice, or how you’re feeling about current events? Mike encourages parents that it’s possible and worth doing.
Seeking God
BridgePointe has stopped, listened to those who are hurting, gathered as a staff and sought God’s face for direction and what our church needs. The injustice that has resulted in the mistreatment and death of Black and Brown people is wrong and breaks our hearts. As a result, we are taking a break from our teaching series this Sunday and turning our attention to the moment we are in.
High Five - BP's Reopening
In this week’s High Five, Jared and Keith present BridgePointe’s plan for reopening. Take a moment and click on the video to hear them present and share the plan along with some encouragement from scripture.
A Plan to Follow Jesus
This Sunday in Letters From Jesus we talked about the danger of complacency in our faith. Jacob invited us to make a Rule of Life to help us live from a place of commitment and fight complacency.
EP Elementary Teacher Celebration
Together with the help of our generous partners BridgePointe hosted a drive through appreciation event for East Providence K-5 teachers and administrators. Read more…
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