Seeking God

This has been a hard week in the world, in America, and in the Church. As protests and outrage have increased, as riots have spread and hit close to home, BridgePointe has stopped, listened to those who are hurting, gathered as a staff and sought God’s face for direction and what our church needs. The injustice that has resulted in the mistreatment and death of Black and Brown people is wrong and breaks our hearts.

Seeking God Together

As a result we are taking a break from our teaching series this Sunday and turning our attention to the moment we are in. We are coming together before God in prayer and worship to grieve, pray and hear wisdom from Scripture.

Please join us online at 8:30 am, 10:00 am or 8:00 pm as we all stop and come before God this Sunday.

Listening to Black Christians

Our staff, in an effort to gain a diverse perspective that we don’t naturally possess, intentionally follows and listens to black pastors and leaders in the Christian community. If you’re looking to broaden who you listen to, here are few we respect and recommend.


We know we have a long way to go in understanding and taking steps towards racial reconciliation in the church.

It’s not easy to know what to say, but we know that conversation has to start somewhere. Here is a video that Jared posted as a personal response to the events of the past weeks on his Facebook page.

We care deeply and commit to doing our part.


Talking to Your Kids When Life Hurts


High Five - BP's Reopening