Talking to Your Kids When Life Hurts

The brokenness in our country is hard to see. You are hurting. You have questions. You need someone to talk to and help you process what you are feeling. And so do your kids. 

Before you break into a sweat thinking about talking to your kids about race and injustice, remember - God gave you your children. He chose them for you, and you for them - and that is awesome! God wonderfully made your kid (Psalm 139:13-14), they are a gift (Psalm 127:3), and He entrusted them to you to help them be as much like Jesus as possible (Deuteronomy 6:6–9). And just like you can have an amazing English teacher that hasn’t read every book, or a wonderful PE teacher that isn’t the greatest at volleyball themselves, you can talk to your kids about race and injustice without being an expert in it yourself. 

The enemy will try to make you believe you don’t know enough, haven’t gone through enough, you can’t possibly understand another person’s struggle, this is too close to home, or this isn’t close enough. Silence it. All of it. In Jesus’ powerful name. Tell that liar to go away and claim your home as a safe place in the name of Jesus. You do not have to know everything to help your kids. So take a deep breath, you’ve got this. 

Start with yourself. What are you feeling? Why are you feeling it? Have you taken the time to sit in some silence? And I literally mean the “phone turned off”, “no background music”, “can hear your own heartbeat” kind of silence. Stay up late or wake up early if you have to, and just hang with your Heavenly Father. Make the space for you to hear Him and only Him. 

Then, ask your kids what they are feeling. With discernment, tell them what you are experiencing. Just talk with your kids. Being present and natural is more powerful than any polished and perfect quote you found on the internet. This is an ongoing conversation, so the goal is for your kids to know they can talk to you, about anything, especially race and injustice. Next week, BP Kids will also be putting together a helpful list of books and resources that you can use with your kids. 

Lastly, take a note from your kids. Tap into the little kid inside you and find some way to have some fun. Jam out to some Rend Collective. See who is the best Blind Contour Drawing artist (look it up!). Upload a goofy video. Show your kids that you can be concerned about your circumstances AND have some fun at the same time. 

I love you. I love your kids, and I am praying for your family. If there is any way BP Kids can care for or support you or your children, please reach out. 

- Michael Moran


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