Sharing Faith Q&A
As part of the Grit & Grace series, we hosted a panel discussion on mission and sharing faith. Questions were submitted online and in person and Keith Cabral, Chris Link, Joanne Chang, and Pat Miller honestly spoke from their experience about sharing faith with others. Here is an audio file from the night.
Seeing God's Love in Candy Bars
In just two weeks, the people of BridgePointe will be connecting with thousands of individuals on Halloween night. Historically this night has been shrouded in darkness, but we believe this night is an opportunity for the Church to shine God’s love to each person who comes to our front door.
A day to Thank God for +ONE
October 2nd marked the launch of our +ONE Campagin, our collective effort over the next several months to relocate so that we can make room for you to bring one more person to Jesus through this church. We kicked off the campaign with a service dedicated to telling BP's +ONE Story.
Looking Back: Workcamp NE
This past July, 16 students and adults from BridgePointe headed to the Berlin, NH, area to serve others in Jesus name by doing minor home repairs. This was the second year BridgePointe students have partnered with workcampNE in an amazing opportunity to humbly serve people in need.
#7: Don't Commit Adultery
Our Lifesaver series has been taking us through the 10 commandments, and it was unavoidable that we'd end up on number seven. Because God is faithful, He desires for His people to be faithful to our human commitments. Of those, marriage is the most sacred and precious. God gave sex as the physical experience of the holistic oneness shared within marriage
Big Changes to BP Staff
I’m so excited to introduce to you the newest member of BridgePointe’s Staff Team. Mike Moran has been serving in BP Kids for over three years in an increasing leadership capacity. Starting June 26th, Mike will join the team as our full-time Children’s Ministry Director.
Summer Kickoff 2016: Stories
This past Sunday, 18 people expressed their faith in Jesus and were baptized in the bay at Warren Town Beach. Here are their stories.
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