Summer Kickoff 2016: Stories

This past Sunday, 18 people expressed their faith in Jesus and were baptized in the bay at Warren Town Beach.  Curious to know why?  Listen to the last message on baptism in the We Do series or read some of their stories down below. 


I have been a Christian for years and have always had a relationship with God. But as time went on my relationship waned.  Now I want to get baptized to show my renewal in my relationship with God and my  rededication to seeking his will.


For most of my life, I have always felt I knew what was best for my life. I lived life doing what I, and only I wanted to do. This included a long period of drug, alcohol and food abuse. I kept telling myself, I was happy, but in reality, I wanted to die. I am not sure what my ah-ha moment was, but I woke up one day and told myself, I can do better. After cleaning up my act, I was still empty inside, just wandering through the motions of life, not living, not dead, just taking up space. I had always held faith in the back of my mind, but growing up in a Catholic environment, the cold, ritualistic lull of what I thought religion was, seemed like the last place I wanted to be.

That all changed when I met Whitney. After dating for a short while, she introduced me to BridgePointe. I was greeted with warm smiles and words, and it just felt like I belonged, a feel I spent most of my life searching for. Between the welcoming atmosphere of BridgePointe, and the love of my saving grace Whitney, I now see that God knows what's best, and was willing to finally give me my moment of clarity.

It's almost as if God's love was not there to make my angels sing, but it was there to silence my demons. I look forward to all the great things God has in store for me, and for once in my life, I feel truly alive.



I was lonely, depressed, and didn’t know where my life was going. I felt I needed a purpose in my life. I want to surrender everything to him because I cannot do it by myself, and there will be more peace and direction in my life. 

Edward B.

My life has been chaotic and hopeless. I try to do everything on my own. It’s overwhelming and scary at times. I fear the future for what this world has become. I carry guilt of my duties I performed in the military. I have always been around people of God and Jesus and know that’s why I am alive today. I need Jesus in my life and I am ready to commit my life to Him. Being baptized for me makes my commitment real. I’m excited to begin my new life with God.

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BridgePointe has been so good to my family. Jared and Keith have helped us through some very tough times. I am here today thanks to my ex-husband Brian. Jared was wonderful to him during the end of his life and to my sons with the youth program and getting Nathan baptized. This has been a tough year and a half, and when my friend Lori asked me to join her in Starting Point, it was the perfect time for me. I needed help and I found it with so many strangers learning together about God. This is my next step: getting baptized and strengthening my relationship with God. Thank you, BridgePointe.