Longing for the Day
Advent celebrates the coming of Jesus being foreseen throughout history, as well as our current waiting for the fulfillment of all that Jesus promises us. We have asked BPRI staff members to share some reflections on Advent and their suggestions for using this season to draw closer to Jesus.
Introducing BP's NextGen Pastor
Meet Fred and Sarah! This past Sunday we introduced our new NextGen pastor and his wife and shared a little of their story in how God led them to serve at BridgePointe.
BP Kids Thanksgiving Food Drive
BP Kids is accepting donations for Thanksgiving meal baskets for 23 local families. Find out how you can help.
BP This Week - 10/10
Here are the announcements from Sunday 10/10 3 - rsvp for Fall Fest 10/22 and have a look at Bible Lab starting Oct 14.
Donation Drive for Afghan Refugees
BridgePointe is collecting donations of winter clothing (new or gently used) and hygiene items to aid Dorcas International as they look to resettle fifty Afghan families in our area. Click through to see how you can help.
BP This Week - 9/26
Here are the announcements from Sunday 9/26 - relaunching weekly & monthly prayer gatherings and upcoming Oct classes.
Baptism Story: DeShawn W.
DeShawn, a member of the BridgePointe family, chose to be baptized in response to the Spirit’s prompting in the same pond that his mother and grandmother were baptized. Here is his story in his own words.
Baptism Celebration 8/29
Yesterday we gathered together for our end of summer Picnic & Baptisms at Bristol Town Beach and witnessed six people express their love and commitment to Jesus through baptism. Below are their baptism stories in their own words.
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