Services Held Online Only 11/29
Services will be held only online 11/29 due to increased COVID risk from the holiday week. Watch Jared’s announcement, (which includes footage of Tyesha’s baptism! ) and parents can find links to the Preschool and Elementary Kids worship videos.
Give Thanks!
Traditionally BridgePointe gathers for a special night of worship to thank God for His good and abundant gifts. This year we are providing a guide to worship at home. We encourage you to make the space to worship at home with this guide at some point during Thanksgiving week – it will help you be more aware of the many riches of God’s grace in your life.
Bright Lights in Our Neighborhoods
As part of our Bright Lights drive-through trunk-or-treat, we have made a postcard craft intended to share some light and love with residents of nursing homes. Kids are encouraged to color and draw on the front and then write a note on the back to encourage someone. (Read more…)
Oct 25 Baptisms
We’re celebrating six people who took the step of baptism on Sunday, Oct 25th, one during the 11:30 service, and five who stepped into the waters of Narragansett Bay to commit to Jesus.
Families Helping Families
BP Kids and Students are collecting good for Thanksgiving baskets and children’s coats to benefit local families. Read more to find out about these care initiatives and how you can help.
Tonya's Baptism Story
After years of praying and sharing her faith with her mom, Destiney baptized her mom on Sunday, Oct 11th. Read Tonya’s baptism story in her own words.
Baptism: JoAnn's Story
JoAnn’s baptism story is one of believing in God and doing many good things for others for years, but still feeling empty and lost no matter what she did. Read her story to discover her “aha” moment and how her journey of faith has brought her to this place of choosing to be baptized as an adult and committing her life to Jesus.
Jesus Strong - Memory Verses
Looking for help in memorizing the weekly Scripture memory verses in the Jesus Strong guide? We’ve got some tips and digital wallpapers to help you out.
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