Jesus Strong - Memory Verses

We’re so excited to be in our series Jesus Strong this fall! We’ve provided a Jesus Strong study guide and are pumped to be intentionally reading through Scripture together. Each week has a memory verse for you to memorize.

Here are some tips on ways to memorize scripture:

  • Write the verse down on a notecard and put it on your bathroom mirror.

  • Say a section of the verse to yourself on your daily commute.

  • Stop three times a day for five minutes to practice writing the verse down.

  • Challenge a friend to ask you to say it on command whenever they ask. Do the same for them!

We’re also creating memory verse wallpapers that will be added each week. Save them to your phone or desktop and can keep the week’s memory verse in view.

We’re praying you have some fun and success committing Scripture to memory as you go through the guide.

Week 8 - 1&2 Peter

peter-thumbsArtboard 4@2x.png

Week 6 - 1&2 Timothy

Week 5 - 1 Thessalonians

Week 4 - Colossians

Week 3 - Philippians

Week 2 - Ephesians

Week 1 - Galatians:


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