Earlier this month, we launched the BridgePointe App and we have been busy filling it with content you can use to stay more connected with what's happening at BridgePointe. Each week you can submit prayer requests on a digital connect card, stay up to date with the current series, read blog posts, be notified of events and sign up for classes or to serve.
Rent-a-Teen Fundraiser
Middle school and high school students are ready to work for you in order to help earn their way to workcampNE this summer. WorkcampNE is a summer camp experience that brings students closer to Jesus and serves families through free home repairs. Last year WorkcampNE came to East Providence, and five students from BridgePointe were able to take part. This year, nine students have signed up to go and are working hard to raise funds.
What you might not know about Mother's Day.
Mother’s Day isn’t a celebration for everyone. Due to damaged relationships, unmet expectations, distance or loss, Mother’s Day brings the full range of emotions—from joy and gratitude to sadness and grief. 1 Corinthians 12:26 describes the church as one body with many parts and says, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” Within this church, we walk with each other through the peaks of celebration and the valleys of sorrow because we are one in Jesus.
We Gave Love Away
Making Room for More: Facility Renovation
When we moved into our current space at 850 Waterman Ave back in December 2013, we had one service and averaged 140 people on a Sunday. What happens when you’re up to three services on a Sunday with an average of 340 people and available space for new people is getting scarce? You knock down some walls and make room for more!
Meeting the Church at Bright Lights
Back to School Fair 2015
At BridgePointe, we pray for God to give us one person to share his love with. This past weekend, God sent hundreds! On Saturday August 15th, BridgePointe hosted one of our largest outreach events of the year. With over 140 volunteers from BridgePointe and in partnership with nine local businesses and organizations*, we welcomed hundreds of families to receive free backpacks, school supplies, haircuts, dental and eye screenings, pancake breakfast, and some fun and games. As we opened doors to students from five local elementary schools, we prayed this demonstration of kindness would bring hope to our community.
A second grade teacher from Orlo Ave. Elementary said, “I find myself spending thousands of dollars a year supplementing materials in my classroom. I am in awe of how many materials were donated. I know many of my students get a bit sad when they see the school supplies other students bring in. This year I am sure there will be smiles all around.”
Throughout the event, we heard stories of families who were unable to purchase the needed school supplies for the year. Thank you’s were everywhere and many times tears were present.
Parents expressed gratitude not only for supplies, but for the kindness they experienced that day. Families talked about how friendly and enthusiastic the volunteers were. Great conversations were shared and friendships were formed. More than supplies, families experienced a church and a community that cares for them deeply.
For us as a church, the Back to School Fair was a great opportunity to show God’s love to people by caring for them and serving with them. Join me in praying that God would continue to give us one more person to share His love with, and that more in our community would come to find hope in Jesus.
Better Together,
Connections & Outreach Pastor
Watch a video of WPRI's coverage of the event on their website.
*Special thanks to 2015 event sponsors:
Accurate Focus
Atlantic Paper & Supply
Dare to Dream Camp
London Health Adminstrators
Milestones Pediatric Dentistry
Nordson EFD
Rotary Club of East Providence RI / Seekonk MA
Sport Clips Haircuts
The Children’s Workshop
The Home Depot
Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy
Vision Care at the Brown Center
A Labor of Love
During his time on earth, Jesus’ love for others was the often the most startling thing about him. More than his miracles or mighty words, people noticed the way he treated others. If we want to be like Jesus, we need to learn to love like Him.
I couldn’t be more proud of the 2 leaders and 5 students from BridgePointe who are loving others like Jesus through WorkcampNE this week. Summer for students is often about fun, sports, camps, fun, beaches, sun, friends and fun. There is nothing wrong with those things. They should certainly be enjoyed. But it sure stands out to me when middle school and high school students choose to dedicate a week of their summer to working hard to serve others in the name of Jesus.
Through WorkcampNE, about 60 students and 30 leaders from churches across the country are gathering at Martin Middle School in East Providence this week. Each day, students and leaders go out to houses in the Greater Providence Area to do free home repairs for residents who are unable to do the work or pay for it themselves.
Why would they choose to do this? Because they believe this “labor of love,” as WorkcampNE calls it, might compel someone to explore a relationship with the God whose love is seen through His people.
Thank you to Keith, Jared (not me), Orianna, Alena, Ethan, Tai, and Andrew for representing your church so well. You have made us proud. Even more importantly, thank you for demonstrating the love of the God who gave everything for us. I can confidently say that He is proud of you, too.
Jared Cowgur
Leadership & Teaching Pastor