BP Summer

A celebration that will last an eternity.

Sunday was an amazing day. We hoped. We prayed. But none of us could have expected what happened. During the worship services and the Summer Kickoff later that day, 21 people were baptized into Christ through BridgePointe. Even as I write this, I am moved nearly to tears, not by the number but by the names, faces, and stories. One of the people baptized texted me the next day to say, “It feels like a celebration that will last an eternity.” He’s right. Heaven is forever changed because of this day. 

Since Sunday, people have asked me to describe the day and explain how it happened. My response has been consistent… I can’t. I don’t know how. Words aren’t enough. All I can say is that I think this is what happens when Jesus is lifted up above all else. It’s what happens when the Holy Spirit is asked to soften hearts and open minds to the message of Jesus. It’s what happens when people find their place in the mission of the church and ask God for one person to share His love with.  

Let’s praise God and Pray for One more.