Shepherd response to staff member candidates
In January, BridgePointe’s shepherd team presented two new candidates to be appointed as shepherds. The process for new shepherd appointment includes an invitation to the BridegePointe family to respond with questions or concerns. This is a healthy and important part of the affirmation process that we take seriously.
After the presentation of the candidates, a few people reached out to ask questions related to the appointment of a staff member to the shepherd team. With Ezekiel Payne, Director of Ministries, this is the first time a member of BridgePointe’s staff has been presented as a candidate other than the lead pastor. We feel thankful for those who brought their questions forward and recognize that others might benefit from our response to them.
Below, please find our answer to the question posed, “Is it biblical, wise, and healthy for a member of our staff to serve on the shepherd team?”
The Bible should always be the primary influence for our decisions, to the degree that it clearly informs them. As the first generation of Christians formed early churches, two aspects of leadership were identified in Scripture. The terms of shepherd, overseer, and elder all referred to the same position of leadership that provides the highest level of oversight for the local church (Acts 14:23; 20:28; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; 1 Peter 5:1-4). At BridgePointe, the shepherd team serves this purpose (You can read more about our leadership structure here). Additionally, in the early church there were deacons, meaning “those who serve,” who provided leadership for specific ministries within the church (Acts 6:1-7 is an example. See also, 1 Timothy 3:8-13.) At BridgePointe, members of our staff serve in deacon-like roles as they oversee specific ministries.
Scripture does not speak directly to whether someone can serve in both roles simultaneously. Generally, it is our position that it is wise and best for someone serving as a director of one specific ministry (deacon) not to serve on the shepherd team (elder, overseer). Ezekiel is in a unique position because he serves as the director of ministries on BridgePointe’s staff. His responsibility is to oversee staff members and their ministries. They report directly to him as he provides care and support for staff to develop them and their ministries. Therefore, the role of director of ministries in the church is closer to that of a shepherd (overseer) than that of a ministry director (deacon). Additionally, the organizational knowledge and staff insight provided by this role is very helpful for the decisions made by the shepherd team.
As we considered candidates, the current shepherd team recognized that the person in the director of ministries role currently functions like a member of the shepherd team. They also recognized that Ezekiel possesses the character and qualifications outlined in Scripture (1 Timothy 3:1-7) and it would therefore be appropriate to present him as a candidate for the team.
The questions regarding a staff member joining the shepherd team primarily related to two matters:
Would having two staff (lead pastor and director of ministries) among the five members of the shepherd team imbalance decision-making authority within the team?
Could the presence of a staff member on the shepherd team negatively impact the team’s ability to provide oversight and accountability for the lead pastor?
Regarding decision-making, the shepherd team operates on consensus rather than voting. Therefore, decisions are made through prayerful discussion where all participants have equal influence. Even with two staff members on the team, their influence would be balanced by the other members of the team. Additionally, it is our intention to continue to grow the team with non-staff in the coming years to bring greater influence and insight from the broader church family.
While Jared, Lead Pastor, serves on the shepherd team, it is an essential function of the other shepherds to provide care, oversight, wisdom, and accountability for the lead pastor. There is an inherent conflict of interest for a member of the staff team to participate in the oversight and accountability of the lead pastor, to whom they report. This wouldn't be the only occasion when one of the shepherds might encounter a situation within the team that provides a conflict of interest because of who or what it involves.
The bylaws of BridgePointe require that a shepherd recuse himself when a conflict of interest arises. They remove themselves from the conversation or situation for as long as needed to resolve the matter. If the shepherd team needs to address something with the lead pastor that would be a conflict of interest for the director of ministries, that person would be removed from the conversation to allow the rest of the shepherd team to perform its essential function for the health and vitality of the church. With this provision, the shepherd team does not believe that this conflict in one duty of the shepherd team should prevent the director of ministries from contributing to the entirety of the role.
It is, therefore, the belief of the shepherd team that it is appropriate and beneficial to present and appoint Ezekiel Payne as a shepherd of BridgePointe, not despite his role as director of ministries, but, at least in part, because of it. We hope this response provides clarity on the participation of staff on the shepherd team, and increases your trust and confidence in the shepherds of BridgePointe, and Ezekiel’s future participation in it. If any further questions or concerns remain, please don’t hesitate to reach out to
BridgePointe Shepherd Team
Event: Shepherd Appointment on 3/2