As described in Acts 20:28, BridgePointe’s shepherds fulfill the role of spiritual leaders that lead and love, provide and protect the church. Their oversight ensures that the spiritual needs of the people in the church are met and that the mission of the church moves forward. People who serve in the role of shepherd must have the integrity, character, and reputation described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. They serve like a good shepherd by providing oversight of the whole flock and care for individual sheep. If you are unfamilar with idea of shepherds as leaders, we invite you to learn more about BridgePointe’s church leadership model.
The current shepherds are presenting Ezekiel Payne and Nick Pelletier as new candidates that would be appointed to the team on Sunday, February 9th. Below, you can learn a little bit about each candidate by reading their statements.
The affirmation of the church family is important to the shepherd appointment process, so if you know of a Biblical reason related to their life or reputation that would keep them from serving as a shepherd of BridgePointe, you have a responsibility to share it. If you have a concern, please bring your written, signed, and sealed concern to the current shepherd team.
Ezekiel Payne
Janina and I came to BridgePointe in search of a place where we could both grow as followers of Jesus. We had varying faith backgrounds growing up and after we got married, we wanted a church that felt like home for us both. We have been so blessed that God led us here. BridgePointe has provided a place for my family to grow spiritually, enjoy true Christian community, and be a part of God’s mission through the church.
I love our BP family and I want to faithfully serve it using the gifts that God has given me. Over the last 3 years I have served on the staff team and been able to see how the shepherd team has provided care, protection and direction for our church. As a shepherd, I will continue to seek to be more like Jesus, to encourage and help others to do the same, and to join the shepherd team in guiding BridgePointe to be a healthy and sustainable church.
Nick Pelletier
God led our family to BridgePointe in 2019 after I retired from the Army and we moved back to the East Bay where Jane and I grew up. We have been abundantly blessed to lead a weekly small group in our home, participate in BP’s Radical Mentoring program, serve in BP kids, foster children in our home, and support other foster families in our church and community. Jane and I are in awe of God’s grace and His mercy in leading us here to BridgePointe. We give thanks and glory to God for the blessing we’ve experienced through this church’s faithful teaching, fellowship, and love that has been poured out onto our family.
I pray that God would humble me and guide me as I answer this calling to serve His people as a Shepherd. I pray for His wisdom, protection, and guidance as I serve His kingdom. And I ask you to pray with me for our church leaders, that we would faithfully discharge these duties (2 Timothy 4:5) for the glory of our God and Savior. As I seek to protect, lead, and serve this flock, I pray that I would decrease and Christ would increase (John 3:30), and that the work of our Shepherd Team would help our church to glorify and magnify our God. May God be praised and His will be done.