Team Values: Unguarded Authenticity

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The fourth BridgePointe value is Unguarded Authenticity.

This is our definition of Unguarded Authenticity. See the post on, “Killer Love” for the importance of trust.

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These Bible verses speak to the importance of being Authentic with one another. “Owe no one anything…” If you see something praiseworthy, tell them! If you are in a trusting* relationship with someone and see something that is off, tell them.

*If you have not been invited to give constructive feedback, don’t. If a friend has not invited you to speak into their life, don’t. If something is seriously wrong then approach the situation humbly.

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Please watch from 43:00-48:55 in Bishop T.D. Jakes’ talk on “Crushing” to hear how Unguarded Authenticity is especially necessary for those who are gifted.

A key takeaway on the importance of Unguarded Authenticity for those who are gifted.

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Unguarded Authenticity serves to refine and protect us in our giftedness.

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As Christians in artistic disciplines, we are gifted on many levels. The first and primary gift we have is salvation. The next is our community of believers. Lastly is our musical or technical talents.

Humility is a popular word for Christians. It is necessary to have a correct definition and understanding of the term.

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Take a moment and ask God to reveal where you need to be refined through Unguarded Authenticity and where you need to be protected by it.


Team Values: Relational Intentionality


Team Values: Evangelistic Hunger