Team Values: Relational Intentionality

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The fifth BridgePointe value is Relational Intentionality.

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This is BridgePointe’s definition of Relational Intentionality.

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The Trinity is three people in an eternal relationship. If we are created in God’s image then we are, by definition, created for relationships.

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This key verse about our origin shows God referring to Himself in the plural tense. He says “us” and “our.” This is because the Hebrew word translated here as the english singular, “God” is “Elohim.” “Elohim” is actually a plural Hebrew word. The original Hebrew writer refers to God not as a single being, but as a plural being (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). We can understand this reference somewhat like a family family- a single unit with multiple members. This familial language is all throughout The Bible when describing Jesus’ relationship to the Father (the “Son of God”) and our relationship to Jesus and The Father (“children of God”). Therefore, since God or “Elohim” is like a family, since a family is a relational unit, and since we are made in their image, we too are made to be in relationships.

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Relationships do not develop accidentally. We must invest time and energy into them to sustain them. We cannot be transformed as Jesus calls us to be (Romans 12:2) without a relationship with Him. Since other Christians are the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:7), it is necessary that we pursue and develop Relational Intentionality with other believers.

Being in relationships with each other strengthens us against the Enemy and against our own weaknesses. If we are isolated or alone then we become vulnerable.

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(cont. below)

Christine Hoover has written a book called, “Messy Beautiful Friendship.” In it she illustrates the nature of christian friendships and how we can support each other throughout the messiness of life.

Read Messy Beautiful Friendship by Christine Hoover.

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Prayerfully go through this questions. Ask God for His perspective on your relationships.

Once you have finished reflecting, pray through theses two questions regarding Relational Intentionality.


Team Values: Open-Handed Generosity


Team Values: Unguarded Authenticity