Team Values: Evangelistic Hunger
The third BridgePointe value is Evangelistic hunger.
This is how we define Evangelistic Hunger.
God’s image of evangelism is Jesus. Jesus continually turns his attention to those who are lost rather than favoring those who are already found, even if only one person is lost.
One of the most succinct statements of Christ’s mission on Earth.
We live out Evangelistic Hunger by praying for One more person to share God’s love with.
Praying for One epitomizes our role in seeking and saving the lost. Praying for One is a great expression of our Evangelistic Hunger.
Praying for One tells God that you are on-board with His mission.
If we are committed to Jesus, we express our Evangelistic Hunger by seeking the lost.
Be real about the state of your Evangelistic Hunger. Ask God to search your heart and show you if you are on track or if you have become complacent in your Evangelistic Hunger.