
Spend Time with God this Easter

Isn’t it amazing that God wants to, desires to, delights to spend time with us? That’s actually why he created us… for us to love and be loved by Him! And that’s the reason Jesus had to die. God loves to be close to you. 

Especially during this week of remembrance and celebration, God hopes we will make time to be with Him. Trust me, I understand that life is busy. But isn’t that when we most need time with the God who can provide peace? Here are a few simple ways that you can spend time with God this week: 

  1. Worship through music with the songs for Easter Sunday.

  2. Read the different perspectives on the death and resurrection. I have been preaching on Luke’s perspective. Read one of the other accounts each day leading up to Easter. How does each unique retelling help you love and appreciate Jesus more?

    • Matthew 27:27-28:15

    • Mark 15:16-16:8

    • John 19:16-20:29

  3. Skip lunch on Friday. Jesus was hung on the cross about 9am and He died around 3pm on Good Friday. By fasting from on Friday, the hunger you experience can be a physical reminder of the pain Jesus experienced on the cross. Instead of eating, use your lunchtime to read and reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus that gives us life.

  4. Pray for One. Jesus died and rose again to offer hope to everyone. When we ask God to give us one person to share his love with, our hearts become more like His. Need convincing? This video tells the stories of lives changed by Jesus as people prayed for one.