We’re celebrating six people who took the step of baptism on Sunday, Oct 25th, one during the 11:30 service, and five who stepped into the waters of Narragansett Bay to commit to Jesus.
Tonya's Baptism Story
Baptism: JoAnn's Story
JoAnn’s baptism story is one of believing in God and doing many good things for others for years, but still feeling empty and lost no matter what she did. Read her story to discover her “aha” moment and how her journey of faith has brought her to this place of choosing to be baptized as an adult and committing her life to Jesus.
Student Baptism: Audrey's Story
Community Picnic Baptism Stories
Karen A. Baptism Story
Student Baptism: Sam's Story
January Baptisms
In January we had baptisms three of the four Sundays in the month! Here's a cool story: Jacob Vangen, our Student Pastor, and Destiney Martin, a student leader in The Bridge, baptized student Destiney Peixoto on January 19th. The next weekend, both Destineys baptized Tatiana, another student and friend of Destiney Peixoto! Read their stories and praise God for what He's doing in the lives of Morgan, Tim, Destiney and Tatiana.