We know that finances can be a sensitive topic in the church. In order to maintain a transparent relationship between leadership and the church we are providing a quarterly financial update.
Mission team off to Houston April 23-28
BridgePointe is sending a team of ten people to Houston, Texas to help with relief efforts from Hurricane Harvey that hit in August, 2017. Parts of Houston were hit with four feet of flood water and hard hit neighborhoods are still recovering. Our team will join the efforts of Ecclesia Church in the restoration of a community of 50 homes.
A Big First for BridgePointe
Sunday, January 28, will be a milestone celebration for BridgePointe. Since the birth of the first churches nearly 2000 years ago, appointing spiritual leaders has been a reason for celebration and a source of health, maturity, and stability for churches. On this special day, BridgePointe will present and appoint the first team of Shepherds, also known as “elders” in the Bible. This is a huge step for the church and here’s what it means for us.
Running Together
Seeing God's Love in Candy Bars
A day to Thank God for +ONE
October 2nd marked the launch of our +ONE Campagin, our collective effort over the next several months to relocate so that we can make room for you to bring one more person to Jesus through this church. We kicked off the campaign with a service dedicated to telling BP's +ONE Story.
Looking Back: Workcamp NE
This past July, 16 students and adults from BridgePointe headed to the Berlin, NH, area to serve others in Jesus name by doing minor home repairs. This was the second year BridgePointe students have partnered with workcampNE in an amazing opportunity to humbly serve people in need.