BridgePointe Christian Church

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Baptism Stories - July 7

The power of the good news of Jesus demands a response in those who hear it and accept it. And that is just what we’ve seen recently as people choose to be baptized as a sign of their commitment to live with Jesus as king of their lives. Six people were baptized at the end of services on July 7th. Here are their baptism stories in their own words.

Ethan H.

One day my sister Ellie came to me mentioning a new church she had found, and how much she loved it. At the time, I sort of let it go in one ear and out the other as I was someone who did not think about religion much, was very science-based, and found it very hard to wrap my head around the concept of there being a God. As another week passed she mentioned again how much she loved this church and even went so far as to say I should join her next week. Being her little brother, in a way I just wanted to make her happy, so I decided to go, but I still had no plan of taking any further steps.

As the Sunday arrived, I remember thinking “I can't believe I have to miss golfing for this”, but I still stuck to my word and joined my sister and mom for that service. As we walked towards the door I remember seeing a sign up on the wall that said BridgePointe Christian Church and below a bunch of smiling faces and warm welcomes. Staying attached to my sister's hip, the very first person she introduced me to was someone who has had the most significant impact in building my relationship with Jesus and will be the person baptizing me today; Nelson Guimaraes.

After the service had ended all I can remember is feeling so bright and happy for the rest of the day, and it all started to make sense why my sister was encouraging me to join her. After that one service I truly wanted to keep joining her and try to start building a relationship with Jesus as I could see the joy it was bringing to my loved ones, myself, and even the friendly faces I saw that day. As each service went on I felt myself getting closer to God without even telling myself to do so. I found myself craving His word and looking forward to sitting down at night losing track of time in the book of John, or after a long stressful day at work being able to go home and feel the weight of life stripped off my shoulders as He would give me the hope that everything is going to be just fine.

I felt a deep desire and need to build a relationship with Him as it became obvious to me that He is the only right and true way. In today’s society, my peers and I are drawn to such evil that is masked on the outside as something good but in the end, will only lead us to a deep dark path of sin and regret. Having God by my side is not something I only want, but need in order to develop into the man I want to be for my future family and the rest of the world around me. I am ready to surrender, give my life to God, and become the most righteous man I can be, in our Lord and Saviour's name, Jesus Christ, Amen!

Jaime G.

 I felt like my relationship with God was very one-sided on my end. I would pray and ask for things which He has most of the time answered in my favor. Also, I’ve done things in the past that I’m not proud of. This is why I want to reform my relationship with Jesus.

Recently, I started to pray more often and have been asking for forgiveness for my past sins. I am ready to transition myself to become a better person by forming a better relationship with Jesus.

Greyson D.

Dylan L.

Hi my name is Dylan and I’m 11 years old and I gave my life to the Lord and want to get baptized and live for God. Before I would always get angry when playing video games and wouldn’t listen sometimes to my parents. I feel God is helping me with my anger and listening. I understand that Jesus died for my sins and to help me get closer to Him.

Brittney R.

As far as I can remember I believed in Jesus. Growing up, we would go to church on holidays and I was taught that when things were bad, pray to God. When things were going well, praise God. I had several encounters in my life that would bring me closer to my faith but I never was all in. One of these encounters was when my childhood best friend invited me to her church on a random Sunday and I decided to go. I had never felt so much love and welcomeness. I then went to church with her and her family every single Sunday until they moved away, and I had no one to go with.

Then in college I joined a Christian community. We would gather regularly in small groups and attend church every Sunday. I again felt that love, welcomeness and peace. Then the pandemic happened and we were to retreat home and no longer gather. I then went years without talking to God, reading my Bible or even praying. I was in a state of constant overthinking and worrying. I was never content with what I had and would constantly look for the next thing. It was then a random day in November where I came across a podcast while I was at the gym. It was a faith based podcast. Since listening to that I felt a calling that I needed Jesus in my life and I had to make that decision on my own.

I’ve been attending BridgePointe since January and I’m so happy Jesus gave me the courage to enter these very welcoming doors. Ever since living with Christ in my life, I have peace. I get my guidance from the Word, and I am content and grateful for all my seasons. I’m grateful that Jesus gave us salvation. I’m getting baptized to make it known that I follow Him and completely surrender my life to our Father.

Wendy S.

Over the last few years I've found myself struggling in most aspects of my life. I was blessed to have met my now great friend, Joanne who introduced me to BridgePointe. Since going to services I feel like my faith has been restored and I feel a better version of myself coming out. I owe it all to Jesus.