Worship at home guide for 12/24

With all the effort, time, and energy put into the Christmas Celebration at East Providence High School on Friday night, we are not having in-person services on Sunday, December 24. As a staff and church, we will miss being together. We hope this guide helps you have a meaningful time of worship either in a quiet moment by yourself or in a shared experience with family or friends. Gather up the things you’ll need and use this guide to direct your time to worship Jesus, Immanuel, our Savior and King!

Here's what you’ll need: 

  • Candle and lighter

  • Bible

  • Elements for communion

  • Device to play the worship songs

Start with Prayer

Merry Christmas Eve, BP Family! We miss being with you today but we hope this guide draws you close to the God who is with you and who is worthy of our worship. 

Before you start, we encourage you to take a few moments of silence to quiet your mind and calm your heart. After a time of silence, pray out loud to start your time of worship. 

Worship with Song

These three songs were used during Advent at BridgePointe. Use the links provided to listen to the songs and lift your voice in praise to the God who came to be with us, who saved us from our sin, and who promises to return to bring us home.

Scripture Reading

Luke 2:1-20 tells the story of the birth of Jesus, the announcement of the angels, and the worship of the shepherds. Choose one or more of these options to interact with the story:

  • Read the Scripture aloud from your Bible

  • Listen to it using a Bible App (try the NLT for an easy listening version)

  • With young kids, read the chapter—“The Light of the Whole World” from the Jesus Storybook Bible or watch it here.

  • Watch this Bible Project video about the birth of Jesus:

Take a few moments in quiet contemplation or shared conversation to reflect on the story using these questions: 

  1. How does the story of Jesus’ birth help me to know and understand God?

  2. What can I learn from the other characters about how to respond to Jesus?  


Every week when we’re together, we eat bread and drink juice to remind us of what our forgiveness and faith cost Jesus. We need this reminder today, too, as we remember the birth of Jesus. He came to forgive our sins so that we could be close to Him now and forever. Here’s how we recommend taking communion at home:

Prepare the Elements

  • Gather crackers or bread, representing the body of Jesus broken for you.

  • Pour juice or wine, representing the blood of Jesus shed for you.

  • Light a candle, reminding you that God is with you because of Jesus.

Read Ephesians 2:1-10

Personal Reflection

  • Confess your sin to God

  • Thank Jesus for His forgiveness

  • Express your desire to live for Him

Partake Together
On your own or with those gathered around you, eat and drink the elements. If you’re doing this with kids, take time to explain the elements and what they represent.

Choose someone to pray out loud to thank Jesus for coming from heaven to earth as a baby, living a perfect life, and dying to pay for our sin so that we could live with Him.


Giving is an important part of our worship every week. It moves our heart toward God as we trust and obey Him in this personal part of our lives. Our giving also supports God’s work through the church to make disciples and bring His Kingdom.

For these reasons, your giving matters even when we are not gathered together. If you usually give in person, take a minute to set aside your gift for next week or give it online. Take a minute to thank God for what He’s entrusted to you and ask Him to use what you give for His purpose. If you already give regularly online, offer the same prayer as you remember your contribution.

Blessing and Prayer

Close out your time or worship with a prayer of blessing over yourself or those gathered with you. If you’d like guidance, we recommend the priestly blessing from Numbers below. We love you BP Family! See you soon.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

– Numbers 6:24-26


Lily's Baptism Story


Christmas Baptisms - 12.17.23