Worship At Home Guide

BridgePointe Family,

Due to Hurricane Henri, BridgePointe is cancelling in-person and online services for August 22nd. In place of our normal worship gatherings, we encourage you to set aside time to turn your attention toward Jesus through Scripture and worship. Below is a guide to help you worship at home. We will miss you all and look forward to being back together next Sunday. Be safe! 

If the storm creates any hardship or trouble for you, please don't hesitate to reach out for help. We are here with you and for you. 

Praying for ONE,

Jared Cowgur
Leadership & Teaching

Worship at Home Guide

As the storm slows us down and keeps us at home, we have a unique opportunity to worship God at a different pace and in a more personal way. Whether it's on your own or with a few people close to you, we hope you’ll still carve out time and space right where you are to worship God.

In September, we will start studying the life of Jesus through The Gospel of Mark. This weekend's worship guide provides a sneak peak into the authority and power of Jesus, our King, that is especially relevant to our experience in the storm. All you need for this is a candle (optional), a Bible, communion elements, and a device to play the worship songs. May the Spirit of God draw you close to Himself today, as you devote this time to Jesus, our King. 

  1. Prepare
    Begin by lighting a candle (maybe out of necessity) to remind you of God’s presence that is always with you. Spend a few moments in silence to quiet your mind and calm your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to use this time of worship to increase your love and devotion to Jesus.

  2. Notice
    Storms are powerful. They are scary because we have absolutely no control over them. They can be destructive, even deadly. Take a few moments alone, or with others in the room, to notice the strength of the storm we’re in—look out the window to see the wind, watch a video that shows its power, imagine what it would be like to stand unprotected in the middle of it.

  3. Read Mark 4:35-41

    • Have someone read the story of Jesus and the Storm.

    • Invite people to share what they notice about the storm, about the disciples, and about Jesus.

  4. Discuss
    Reflect on the meaning of the story with these questions:

    • What does this story reveal about Jesus?

    • How should the truth of this story impact the way you relate to Jesus?

  5. Worship
    Listen or sing along to these songs to express your worship to Jesus.

  6. Partake
    Using whatever elements you have at home…

    • Ask: How does the authority and power of Jesus change the way you think about His suffering and death?

    • Read: John 10:17-18

    • Eat and Drink: Use break and juice (or the closest thing you have) to remember the body and blood of Jesus, which He willingly gave for you. Through His death, He used the same authority that calmed the storm to cleanse you of sin.

  7. Pray
    Invite all present to pray to thank Jesus for what He has done for us.

  8. Give
    Each week, people give financially to support the ministry of the church and the mission of Jesus. If you planned to give in-person this week, you can give online. Your gifts, even when we don't gather, help to meet the needs of the church and keep the mission moving forward.

See you next weekend!