Advent Guide 2018

Advent is the traditional celebration of the first coming of Jesus in humility and the anxious waiting of His second coming in glory. Advent comes from a Latin word which means “coming” or “arrival.” 

This season is a time for remembering and rejoicing, watching and waiting. It’s about stepping into the shoes of the Israelites, longing and crying out for the Messiah to come. It’s about reflecting on our sin and shortcomings and our need for a Savior. It’s about looking around at our broken world and hoping for the second coming of Jesus. And, once we get to Christmas Day, the celebration of Jesus’ birth becomes that much more spectacular and meaningful.

We’ve created an Advent guide to help you make the most of this season. Our greatest desire is for you to know Jesus by spending time with Him in His Word. There are four weeks in Advent and each week includes a reading plan, reflection questions and a prayer. The questions and prayers are meant to supplement the reading and can be used whenever you desire throughout the week. 

Printed guides are available in lobby on Sundays, or you can download a pdf by using this link below.

– For Parents –

The greatest responsibility God gives parents is to raise their kids to know Jesus. We want to do everything we can to help you win in this essential area of parenting. The Advent season is a great opporutnity to use the greatest story ever told to stir our kids hearts towards their Savior. Here are some ideas for you can use to help your family walk closer with Jesus this season.

Be sure to check out the end of the Advent Guide for some family discipleship ideas!


Christmas Baptism Celebration


Baptism Story: Gwen L.