Sing Out to God

What we do to worship God throughout the week better prepares us for Sunday morning. Do we wait until Sunday to express our love for God? Or are there things we can do during the week?

A couple of months ago we started adding Spotify song lists to each message posted online. Take the time to create a free Spotify account and use the app to listen to these playlists as a tool to prepare you for Sunday so the songs are familiar. The more familiar they are, the more easily the words roll off our tongues and the songs become a prayer to God. 

Here is the playlist that features the songs we have been singing for the entire Sunday Reset series: 

In Sunday's message, "God's Glory" we were challenged to sing more because 1) singing reminds us of who God is – His supremacy, authority, incomparable greatness, perfect love and 2) singing reminds us of who we are – that we are NOT God.

Here are some tips to help you reset your worship and sing more this week: 


If you've never been one to sing, start now by practicing! In the car, while preparing meals, while getting ready in the morning, while playing with kids, while just being still as you sit on the couch. You can use our playlists to sing along with (it's a little less awkward that way).


If you always have music on, take a bold step and turn the music off and just sing! Allow your voice to sing those words without the extra accompaniment of instruments. It might feel awkward, but as we hear our own voices – the voices God has given us – profess truths of who He is, His power, His majesty, it can become a powerful moment of prayer to God. No sound is sweeter to the ears of God than for His children to declare their love, trust, and surrender to Him, the perfect Father.   


As you spend time in scripture and as something sticks out to you, turn it into a song. It doesn't have to be "radio" quality. No one except God needs to hear it. It becomes your response to what the Holy Spirit has reveled, pressed upon your mind. Help it stick! Sing it out!


Worshiping is the posture of our heart, not the songs we sing. If we depend upon the "perfect song set" to make us feel fulfilled, we will often come away disappointed, because that is not the designed purpose for singing. That's putting us at the center of our singing, rather than reminding our hearts and minds about the truths of God. Naturally, we connect with some songs in a special way. But all songs that sing of the truths of God had value for our lives. 

Go sing!

Rachel Cowgur
Worship Arts Director

Shout for joy to God, all the earth!
Sing the glory of his name;
make his praise glorious.
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
So great is your power
that your enemies cringe before you.
All the earth bows down to you;
they sing praise to you,
they sing the praises of your name.”
— Psalm 66: 1-4