We are a growing church where we take making disciples in relationships seriously. As we intentionally pray for those around us, and invite them to join us, our services are full. While our leadership is working on a long-term solution, we need your help to ease overcrowding and make room for guests in our middle service.

Feeling the Squeeze at 10am
We’ve really been feeling the squeeze in our 10 am service. This is the most popular service and on average we have about 100 more people in the middle service than in the first or third! 

Can you commit to attending another service? 
If we can move 50 people who regularly attend the 10 am service, we can create space in this service for those who we are praying for and inviting to join us. If you can do this, please let us know! We are keeping track of our goal, and we also want to support you in your commitment.

Why is this important?  
When our most popular service is full, it does not feel hospitable to new guests. Our experience has shown that growth will stagnate and people will not come when they feel there is no room for them. And we know that if we move people around a little, we still have plenty of room for more people to come join us and experience life and freedom we have in Jesus! Creating space in the 10 am service will buy us time as we work toward a lasting solution.

We’re not talking to you!
If you serve during the first or third service, and the middle service is when you worship, we’re not talking to you! Please continue to worship with your BP Family at the 10 am service. We recognize there are also other situations and reasons that may make the middle service the best option for you to remain consistent in your worship. But if you can remain consistent in your worship and are able to make a change, please consider committing to another service.  

Let’s talk.
If you have questions, concerns or just need a pep-talk to help you commit to another service, please reach out to Ezekiel. We’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions.