God gave a vision, like a dream, to one of the first disciples named John. The book of Revelation at the end of our Bibles is quite literally the “revelation” that John saw and wrote down. It is different from other books of the Bible in that it is written in a style called apocalyptic literature (you can take a deep dive into what that means using resources from The Bible Project). It uses symobls, imagery and metaphor to evoke emotion and provoke the imagination.

John originally wrote down this vision as a letter to Christians living in 1st Century Rome at a time when it was painful and costly to follow Jesus. The vision was shared with seven different churches to inspire and encourage them to stay faithful to Jesus. In reading this book, we first consider what it would have meant to the original readers, and then ask how it can mean the same thing for us today. To that end, we don’t read it literally, as if it tells exactly what is going to happen in human history, but instead we let it show us a spiritual reality that is always all around us.

BridgePointe’s teaching series in the book of Revelation

BridgePointe is teaching through the book of Revelation in three parts. The first part was delivered in the fall of 2024 and covered the overall narrative and drama of the book. The second part is a short series that looks at the end of Revelation and contrasts Babylon with Jesus’ victory and kingdom. The third part will come back to the letters to the seven churches at the beginning of the book and will help us know what to do and how to live with the reality of the revelation we have received.

What in the World is Going On?
Revelation chapters 4 - 16

Where is our Hope?
Revelation chapters 17-22

Book Recommendations

Book: Revelation For You

“Many Christians are confused by the book of Revelation. It moves from strange and disturbing images to warm and practical encouragement; from the fires of Hell to wonderful pictures of a glorious eternity.

And yet the message of the final book of the Bible is both clear and simple. Despite everything that is going wrong with our world, God remains in control. And when we see history, our present, and our future from heaven's perspective, it will encourage us to trust God and remain faithful to the end.

This accessible, absorbing expository guide opens up this book for new and mature Christians alike. It is more applied than a typical commentary, making it a great resource for personal devotion, as well as useful for leading small group studies or sermon preparation.”

Book: Reading Revelation Responsibly

Reading Revelation Responsibly is for those who are confused by, afraid of, and/or preoccupied with the book of Revelation. In rescuing the Apocalypse from those who either completely misinterpret it or completely ignore it, Michael Gorman has given us both a guide to reading Revelation in a responsible way and a theological engagement with the text itself. He takes interpreting the book as a serious and sacred responsibility, believing how one reads, teaches, and preaches Revelation can have a powerful impact on one's own--and other people's--well-being. Gorman pays careful attention to the book's original historical and literary contexts, its connections to the rest of Scripture, its relationship to Christian doctrine and practice, and its potential to help or harm people in their life of faith. Rather than a script for the end times, Gorman demonstrates how Revelation is a script for Christian worship, witness, and mission that runs counter to culturally embedded civil religion.

Reading Scripture

Each time BridgePointe revisits Revelation is a chance to read through the book again. The book is 22 chapters long. You could read it straight through, a chapter a day, or you could read five chapters a week and read it in four and a half weeks. There are also many different Revelation reading plans available, like the She Reads Truth Revelation Plan, the He Reads Truth Revelation Plan.

If Scripture reading isn’t a regular rhythm we encourage you to reorder your daily routine to make it a priority. We encourage you to use a notebook or journal and use the SOAP method for Bible Study detailed down at the end of this page.

Scripture Guide for Part 2

As we teach through Revelation, we provide weekly Scripture reading to go along with Sunday’s message. This guide will be published weekly to go with Part 2 - Where is our Hope?


  • Day 1: Revelation 17

    • Based on this imagery, what words could be used to describe a culture that is represented by Babylon? 

    • Where do you see any of these attributes in the world around you right now? 

    • Why do you think God used adultery as a metaphor for the influence of Babylon on followers of Jesus?

  • Day 2: Revelation 18

    • What does this description say about the current and future reality for every “Babylon?”

    • How does it help you to remember that the appeal of Babylon is false and fleeting?

  • Day 3: Revelation 19:1-8

    • Why is Babylon’s judgment a reason for the faithful to rejoice?

    • What is the significance of this scene ending with the wedding feast of the Lamb?

  • Day 4: 1 John 1:1-2:2 

    • What does this say about Jesus? 

    • What does it say about how to relate to Jesus?

  • Day 5: 1 John 2:12-17

    • How does this reveal the love God has for you? 

    • Spoken from God who loves you, why does God warn you not to love the world more than Jesus? 


This week, we’re exploring the return of Jesus and the assurance of a better day. Revelation chapters 19-20 describe in symbolic imagery the event and impact of the return of Jesus. We’ve provided Scriptures related to this theme from other parts of the Bible. We pray that your time in Scripture this week provides confidence and hope in the future God has in store for you in Jesus.

  • Day 1: Revelation 19

    • What does this help you understand about the return of Jesus? 

    • Why might a suffering group of Christians find comfort in the way Jesus is depicted? 

  • Day 2: Revelation 20

    • What does this reveal about the impact of the return of Jesus on evil in our world? 

    • How does this bring you comfort and hope in the midst of the brokenness of this world?

  • Day 3: Revelation 21

    • How would God’s renewed world be compromised if God hadn’t first removed everything opposed to Him? 

    • What excites you most about the thought of a world that is free from injustice, evil, and darkness? 

  • Day 4: Hebrews 9:11-28

    • What does this Scripture show about the first and second comings of Jesus? 

    • How does this increase your gratitude for what Jesus has and will do for you? 

  • Day 5: Matthew 22:1-14 and Matthew 25:1-13

    • What do these stories teach about being ready for the return of Jesus? 

    • How does this impact the way you live while you wait for Jesus to bring salvation? 

Week 3

This week, we’re exploring the perfect and forever world God will give to those who are faithful to Jesus. Revelation 21-22 reveals, with imagery and symbolism, how God will renew and restore this world. We’ve provided Scriptures related to this theme from other parts of the Bible. We pray that your time in Scripture this week provides hope and confidence that faithfulness to Jesus is worth whatever it takes.

  • Day 1: Genesis 1-2

    • What do you notice about how God feels about the world He created and everything in it? 

    • How does this help you understand His intention to renew and restore the world in the end?

  • Day 2: Revelation 21

    • What stands out to you about God’s renewed world? 

    • What part of this renewal do you find yourself most longing for? 

  • Day 3: Isaiah 65:17-25; Ezekiel 47:1-12

    • How do these promises made by God hundreds of years before Jesus help you understand what God intends to do in the end? 

    • What part of these promises inspires hope in you? 

  • Day 4: Revelation 22

    • The hope of renewal causes John to cry out, “Come, Lord Jesus.” When do you feel the same longing for the renewal that Jesus will bring? 

  • Day 5: 1 Corinthians 15

    • How does the resurrection of Jesus’ body help you think about the renewal of the physical world?

    •  In God’s renewed world, how do you think life will be similar and different to what we experience now?


S.O.A.P. is an acronym for Scripture, observation, application and prayer. It’s a powerful tool that moves you from the text into the reality of your life. Using this method consistently will make it a habit and something you are familiar with. Use a journal or notebook and apply this method to work through any passage of Scripture.


Write the Scripture reference and read through the passage slowly.


Write down what you notice from the reading. For example...

• What’s the main point the author is trying to get across?
• What’s something challenging or new?
• Is there anything in the passage you want to study more?


Write down how this applies to your life today.

• How does this challenge you to live as a disciple?
• How does it intersect with your current life circumstances?

• Is God speaking a word of encouragement or challenge to you directly?


Write your prayer to God in response to what you’ve read.