40 Days for Revival

Jonathan Edwards was a theologian and minister in Massachusetts in the 1700’s. He is credited with being one of the fathers of the Great Awakening that brought spiritual revival throughout New England. He described revival as “the acceleration of the work of the Holy Spirit.

Think about it – the Spirit’s work of evangelism, discipleship, and sanctification that would normally happen over years occurs in a relatively short period of time – and now imagine that happening in our context. It is hard to imagine anything our world needs more than the Spirit's work right now. And with the need so urgent, we should hope and pray for more of it to happen in a shorter amount of time. We should pray for revival! 

Jesus compared the Kingdom of Heaven to a mustard seed that starts small and grows to cover a great area. Likewise, revival starts small before it grows big. A large fire starts with a small spark that grows quickly when given the needed resources of tinder and oxygen. Revival starts in hearts, affects homes, awakens churches, impacts communities, and changes the world. To this end, we seek to pray throughout the season of Lent.

Prayer & Fasting

Prayer and fasting go hand in hand. As we fast, we make space in our hearts and in our lives to turn our attention to God in prayer. We invite you to join us for a church-wide day of fasting and prayer on Wednesdays during Lent. 

Fast from Food
Go some or all of the day without eating—skip a single meal or do a 24-hour fast and let your hunger turn your attention to Jesus.

Open for Prayer
Each Wednesday the building will be open 6:30 am to 5:30 pm if you would like to come and use the auditorium as a space to sit before God in silence and pray. 

Morning Prayer Gathering
Our weekly prayer group meets on Wednesdays at 10:30 am. Join them if you would like to pray with a group of people.

Zoom Prayer Nights at 8:00 pm
We're bringing back a nightime Zoom prayer meeting on Wednesday nights. Join via Zoom using this link https://zoom.us/j/96870567250

Whether you come into the building and pray in the auditorium, kneel by your bed in the morning, pray at your office desk at noon, or join an in-person or virtual prayer gathering – find when and where works for you and pray with us.

Our prayer for revival starts in our hearts, and moves outward into our homes, our church and our community. Read through each of these focuses and use the attached prayer prompts to guide you as you pray. 

Revival in your heart

You know the parts of your heart and life that need an infusion of new life from the Holy Spirit. Maybe it is an ongoing battle with sin, bitterness or resentment toward someone close to you, resistance to Jesus in one part of your life, or a feeling of defeat and discouragement. Ask God to do a work of revival in your heart by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you live with Jesus as King. Pray for Him to convict you of sin and give you the strength to overcome.
Pray for Him to give you passion for the things Jesus cares most about. Ask Him to make your heart like His. And pray for the Spirit to ignite a passion in you for Jesus, His Church, and His Kingdom.

Revival in your home 

Go before the Lord in prayer on behalf of those closest to you. Beg for peace where there is anxiety, reconciliation where there is conflict, healing where there is hurt, strength where there is trouble. Whatever is needed, ask and trust the Lord to provide. Pray for all in your home to live with Jesus as King, and ask the Spirit to empower and equip you.

For those who do not belong to Jesus yet, pray that the Spirit draws them close. For those who are disciples, pray for the Spirit to deepen their love and devotion to Jesus. Pray for the Spirit to bring His fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control into your home. 

Revival in your church

Who in your church needs you to pray for them? Ask God to strengthen, encourage, comfort, convict, help, or heal your brothers and sisters in the family of God. For the whole body, pray for the Holy Spirit meet our needs, protect our unity and help us win the spiritual battle. During this time, surrender to the Spirit and ask how you can do your part. 

Pray for the Holy Spirit to provide everything your church needs to be healthy and strong. Pray for the Spirit to compel people to connect consistently, serve selflessly, and give generously. Pray for the Spirit to protect our unity and keep us focused on what Jesus cares about most. Pray for the Spirit to reveal how you can do your part. And pray for the Holy Spirit to work through your church to bring many people to Jesus. 

Revival in your community 

There are people all around you who need the life-giving work of the Holy Spirit. Pray by name for those whom God has brought into your life. Pray for the Holy Spirit to awaken people to their need for Jesus and ask for opportunities and courage to lead them to Jesus. Pray for the Holy Spirit to use others, too, to share the good news and to bring the Kingdom to earth so that our cities, state, and region will be transformed by the Gospel. Pray for people to accept invitations to come to BridgePointe to experience the love and hope of God through His people.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to awaken people to their need for Jesus. Pray for the Spirit to use disciples of Jesus to share the good news and to bring the Kingdom to earth. Pray for people to accept invitations to come to BridgePointe’s Sunday gatherings, outreach events, and Easter Celebration.

More about fasting

Fasting is a Christian practice in which we choose to abstain from food or something else for a specific period of time in order to concentrate on God. We live in a culture of desires, excess and luxury. Fasting rejects those desires and proclaims God is our greatest desire and source of satisfaction. 

Fast from comforts
Give up something you enjoy—alcohol, social media, watching TV shows, chocolate or desserts, retail therapy, etc.— for the season of Lent. When you feel a craving for what you gave up, turn your attention to Jesus and thank Him for what He means to you. You might also use the time you would have spent for Scripture reading and prayer.

Fast from food
Fasting is a way for us to turn from our physical appetites and recognize our greater hunger and need for God. You can skip one meal for your fast, or try a 24 hour fast (from Tuesday dinner until Wednesday dinner).

Here are some other helpful suggestions while fasting:

  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. If you need to drink juices or other liquids, remember that keeping a strict fast is not the goal.

  • Don’t give up too quickly. Press through, and let your body feel the hunger.

  • Decide ahead of time when you will begin and break the fast, and commit to wait.

  • Be careful to not fill up your time with activities that keep you from praying.

  • Use Scripture reading to fuel your prayer time. 

  • Journal what you believe God is saying to you during this time

Scripture Reading Guide

We invite you to use this Scripture reading guide that follows along with our teaching series. Lent is a perfect time to look at the life of Jesus and the events that lead to the cross and resurrection. Use a journal or notebook and for each day, make an entry and apply the S.O.A.P. method to work through each passage of Scripture.

Day 1 (March 2):  Prayer & Fasting

Day 2 (March 3):  Mark 8:27-9:1

Day 3 (March 4): Mark 9:2-13

Day 4 (March 5): Mark 9:14-29

~ Sunday Worship (March 6) ~

Day 5 (March 7): Mark 9:30-50

Day 6 (March 8): Exodus 33:12-23; 34:29-34

Day 7 (March 9):  Prayer & Fasting

Day 8 (March 10): Mark 10:1-16

Day 9 (March 11): Mark 10:17-31

Day 10 (March 12): Mark 10:32-52

~ Sunday Worship (March 13) ~

Day 11 (March 14): Mark 11:1-11

Day 12 (March 15): 2 Samuel 7:11b - 16, Zechariah 9:9-13

Day 13 (March 16): Prayer & Fasting

Day 14 (March 17): Mark 12:41-44

Day 15 (March 18): Mark 13:1-37

Day 16 (March 19): Mark 14:1-11

~ Sunday Worship (March 20) ~

Day 17 (March 21): Mark 14:12-26

Day 18 (March 22): Exodus 11:1-12:30

Day 19 (March 23): Prayer & Fasting

Day 20 (March 24): Mark 14:27-42

Day 21 (March 25): Mark 14:43-52

Day 22 (March 26): Mark 14:53-65

~ Sunday Worship (March 27) ~

Day 23 (March 28): Mark 14:66-72

Day 24 (March 29): Psalm 22

Day 25 (March 30): Prayer & Fasting

Day 26 (March 31): Mark 15:1-5

Day 27 (April 1): Mark 15:6-20

Day 28 (April 2): Mark 15:21-32

~ Sunday Worship (April 3) ~

Day 29 (April 4): Mark 15:33-47

Day 30 (April 5): Isaiah 53:1-30

Day 31 (April 6): Prayer & Fasting

Day 32 (April 7): Mark 16:1-8

Day 33 (April 8): Psalm 16; Acts 2:14-41

Day 34 (April 9): 1 Corinthians 14

~ Sunday Worship (April 10) ~

This week is Holy Week and staff will be posting devotions each day on our blog and social media reflecting on the following Scriptures:

Day 35 (April 11): Mark 11:12-33

Day 36 (April 12): Mark 12:1-12

Day 37 (April 13): Prayer & Fasting

Day 38 (April 14): Mark 12:13-40

Day 39 (April 15): Good Friday service

Day 40 (April 16): Day of silence


S.O.A.P. is an acronym for silence, observation, application and prayer. It’s a powerful tool that moves you from the text into the reality of your life. Using this method consistently will make it a habit and something you are familiar with. Use a journal or notebook and apply this method to work through any passage of Scripture.


When you read Scripture, it is necessary to slow down and invite the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Take a moment to be silent, pray and listen to the Spirit before you start.


Read the text and ask the following questions:

  • What does this reveal about Jesus?

  • How does this challenge the reader to believe in Jesus or become like Him?


Write down how the passage applies to your life today.

  • How should this change the way that I think?

  • What does this challenge me to do?


  • Talk to God about what you have heard from this text

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help you respond to the application of this Scripture in your life.