Far from Home Scripture Guide

BridgePointe’s 2022 fall teaching series, Far From Home, comes from the Old Testament book of Daniel. We encourage you to spend time on your own in Scripture throughout this series by reading the books of 1 & 2 Kings and Daniel.

First and Second Kings tells the story of Israel’s repeated rejection of God and God’s eventual rejection of Israel. The result was the defeat of Israel and their exile to Babylon, where Daniel’s story begins. These books were written to urge and encourage future generations to remain close to God in a world that is far from Him. 

Reading Scripture

If Scripture reading isn’t a regular rhythm we encourage you to reorder your daily routine to make it a priority. We encourage you to use the Life Journal (available for a suggested $5 donation in the lobby) or your own notebook or journal and use the SOAP method for Bible Study detailed down at the end of this page.

Overview & Context

Check out these helpful links and videos from the Bible Project.

11 Week Scripture Reading Plan

Use SOAP: Read the Scripture. Write down your Observations and Application to your life. Pray in response to what you’ve read.



S.O.A.P. is an acronym for Scripture, observation, application and prayer. It’s a powerful tool that moves you from the text into the reality of your life. Using this method consistently will make it a habit and something you are familiar with. Use a journal or notebook and apply this method to work through any passage of Scripture.


Write the Scripture reference and read through the passage slowly.


Write down what you notice from the reading. For example...

• What’s the main point the author is trying to get across?
• What’s something challenging or new?
• Is there anything in the passage you want to study more?


Write down how this applies to your life today.

• How does this challenge you to live as a disciple?
• How does it intersect with your current life circumstances?

• Is God speaking a word of encouragement or challenge to you directly?


Write your prayer to God in response to what you’ve read.