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Bright Lights

Bright Lights is a series of parties hosted by people from the church to provide safe and fun stops along trick-or-treat routes on Halloween. Each Bright Light party location offers refreshments, glow in the dark games, and prizes for kids. We believe the light of Jesus can shine brightly through His people on any night! Find out more by reading about last years Bright Light Parties. 

Party Hosts & Host Helpers

Looking for a way to connect with your neighborhood this Halloween? If you have a house along a popular trick or treat path, BridgePointe would love to equip you to host a Bright Light Party! It's a great way to show our neighborhoods that we are a church who takes every opportunity to share the love of Jesus. 

We are also looking for Host Helpers that will be assigned to help at party locations.  Sign up to be a Bright Light Host or Host Helper by emailing Josh .  

Candy Bar Donations

We want to be a generous church, so this year we are handing out full size candy bars at Bright Lights party locations. You can help us reach our goal of 3,000 candy bars by bringing in donations to BridgePointe Sundays or during the week through October 27th. Since we will be attaching postcards to each candy bar, wider bars such as Hersheys, KitKats, Reeses cups and Crackle bars are helpful. Thank you for your help in making this happen. 

September 16

Family Fun Friday: Dame Farm

November 18

Family Fun Friday: Movie Night