Week 1: On the Porch

Jesus wants to share life with us through the Holy Spirit (John 14-15). He desires to come in and restore what is good in every part of your life. The most important question is, will you welcome Him in and work with Him? He’s knocking at the door. (Rev. 3:20)

Week 2: Into the Kitchen

God created us to need and delight in food. Because of that, food and drink can subtly take an ungodly place if we become consumed by the things we consume. Jesus desires for us to eat and drink in a way that appreciates and enjoys what God has provided.

Week 3: Into the Living Room

We live in an entertainment saturated world. Yet, so little of it is truly refreshing and life-giving. Jesus wants us to be refreshed and renewed by Him as we delight in the life He has given us.

Week 4: Into the Bedroom

Sex was God’s idea. And it was a good one. But like with everything good, the Devil— the ruler of this world—seeks to distort and destroy sex in order to steal the goodness of what God intended. Jesus desires for us to
honor God with both passion and purity.

Week 5: Into the Playroom

The next generation is essential to the ongoing advance of the Gospel. It is the responsibility of every disciple of Jesus—parents, grandparents, friends, and people of the church—to raise up the next generation of disciples of Jesus.

Week 6: Into the Office

We spend much of our lives working and so much of that time wishing we weren’t. Work has always been part of the human existence. It became painful because of sin. Jesus shows us how to find meaning, value and purpose in what we do each day.

Week 7: Into the Attic

In the attic, we deal with the thing we often don’t want to give over to Jesus—finances. Money can be the cause of sin or the catalyst for good. Jesus wants to change the way we view and use money, managing it well on earth and investing in eternity.

Week 8: Into the Dining Room

Jesus wants His people to form deep relationships within the church and in the world. Hospitality, generosity, and intentionality put flesh on the love of Jesus. After all, disciples of Jesus will be known by their love. And love shows up in relationships.