27 Baptisms, August 27

Twenty-seven people were baptized Sunday, August 27th, one in the morning during services and the rest at our end of the summer Picnic & Baptisms at Bristol town beach. It is humbling, exciting, and fills our hearts with gratitude to see how God is at work among us.

Below, find a list of all those baptized along with each person’s story in their own words. God’s not done yet — keep praying and making yourself available and surrendered to His will. We can’t wait to celebrate what is yet to come!

Liz A.

Jesus came to me with open arms to save me. The time has come for my baptism.

Aliyah B.

Story coming soon…

Elijah C.

For the last two years, I’ve wanted to get baptized. After talking with my mom and dad, we decided that baptism would be a good way to show Jesus how much I really love Him. I want to learn more about God and grow my love for him and other people.

Darren C.

Prior to following Christ I seemed ok on the outside but was a wreck internally. I felt lost and out of place with scattered thoughts and doubt. It was as if life never seemed to be enough.

Through Christ I found peace, clarity and fulfillment. I know I’ll still face troubling and trying times but I understand I’m not alone and can lean on Him for support

Sharon C.

My parents baptized us kids Protestant. When I was 28 I converted to Catholic to raise my children Catholic. My daughter became very ill at age 12 and I turned away from the church, however I have always loved Jesus. I have been coming to BridgePointe for a little while now and I have been in awe of my nephew Keith Cabral and I wanted to be baptized by Keith and grow closer to Jesus as he has done. I am now 60 years old and wanted to find the right church family to pray with. I am so excited to be worshiping Jesus with BridgePointe and Jared and all you wonderful BridgePointe members. Sunday is a day I will cherish forever. I love the feeling of Jesus filling my heart. I am so blessed. Thank you all for not giving up on me.

Maria D.

Story coming soon…

Melissa G.

As a child, raised in a strong Christian faith, I was blessed to fellowship with a beautiful church family. After my Mom’s passing (when I was four), my Dad faithfully led our walk with Jesus as we continued to build our personal relationship with Him.

As time passed, I began to place distance between myself and Jesus. I continued to love Him but I allowed the world to dictate how I lived. Spiritually, I was searching.

This past year, the Lord has placed in my heart an urgency to ensure my sons know Him and a rekindling of my dedication to God. Since that decision (with some struggles), I have come to find Jesus working through me in remarkable ways. Reading His word, attending BridgePointe and experiencing the changes I see in my sons, just scratches the surface of this incredible journey I am on with Christ.

My baptism further solidifies my relationship with Jesus. I recognize that I don’t face struggles alone as the Holy Spirit dwells with me and guides my every step. My gratitude is without measure and I pray I am able to soundly and faithfully share God’s word and my faith with those I encounter. All praise and glory to Jesus!

Cara G.

Story coming soon…

Anna G.

Hi, my name is Anna. I love Jesus because He saved us all from our sins and from death. With Jesus in my life, I am happier. Seeing my mom get baptized inspired me. I am getting baptized because I want a closer relationship with God and I thought now was the best time.

Kostas H.

I am incredibly blessed to have been baptized Sunday night, Jesus is working in my life and will continue to produce much fruit!

Bernice I.

Story coming soon…

Alaena M.

Story coming soon…

Cari M.

I saw my sister and my dad get baptized and they became closer to God. I wanted to become closer to God too, just like them. I have had Jesus all my life, I grew up in a Christian church. I have been praying and thinking about getting baptized for a while now, but after going to camp Ellie Mae I decided that I wanted to be baptized.

Landon M.

Story coming soon…

Michael M.

Growing up in a Catholic family, God was always part of my life especially on Sundays, Christmas, and Easter. I said nightly prayers and I prayed for my ailing relatives. As I became older, life became busier, and God received less focus. I lived a normal life enjoying earthly pleasures in college. Only during the sudden loss of my mother did I focus on God, but more questioning “why” than to pray for peace and grace.

For the next 30 years I returned to focusing more on God as I was married in an Episcopal church, and we raised our two children as Episcopalian. We attended Sunday service; we were actively involved with our church’s charities and events; and I volunteered as a Sunday school teacher. Life had its hills and valleys, but it seemed manageable.

Suddenly, in June 2019, life hit hard. During the first couple of months of our divorce, I lost my job, lost my business, and lost any contact with my daughter. My son was living with me, angry and hurt. I again looked to God and questioned “why.”

Lost and confused about life, I followed my brother Mark and his family to a BridgePointe service in August 2019. I immediately felt welcomed and for the first time in a long time I was moved by the sermon preached by Jared. I slowly began to let God into my heart. I volunteered for church events and Gospel learning classes. During the next three years of the divorce, I relied on God’s strength to get me through it.

My girlfriend Anne, whom I met in August 2022, has also been instrumental in me drawing closer to God. Her strong faith, not sure if it’s her Ugandan heritage or just her being, further encouraged my own personal growth in faith. We have an early morning time of fellowship each day via video conferencing. We both felt that it was the proper time to get baptized and we were blessed to have my brother Mark oversee it. We want to bring more people to Christ through our daily lives.

Anne O.

I was born and raised in a staunch Catholic family, school, and environment. I have always had this very deep yearning for God; to know Him better; and to do as He says.  I was always drawn to reading the Bible, come 1st January 2000, I gave my life to Jesus Christ.

It's not been an easy journey, but He is a faithful God.

I loooove the Lord and I am so happy that I got baptized by immersion at Bridge Pointe Church.

In June 2022, I arrived in the USA and in August 2022, I met this amazing man, now my boyfriend, who introduced me to BridgePointe: great church, great sermons, great selflessness, welcoming personalities, and people who are living life the Godly way.

In July 2023, we began having an early morning time of fellowship each day.  On August 20th Michael shared with me the opportunity to get baptized at the upcoming cookout and baptism.  His brother Mark and he assisted in my baptism.

I am so blessed! All glory to God.

Kelser M.

The reason I got baptized was because I want my love for God to be stronger and I want to be closer to God.

Jessica R.

I always knew Jesus, but I wasn't following Jesus. I thought all I needed was myself and the approval of the world. I went through a time where I felt like everything was crashing down around me but Jesus started sending people into my life to bring me back to Him. He pulled me out of the storm and for the first time I started to feel the love of Jesus and decided that no matter what from that day forward Jesus needed to be first in my life.

Brooklyn R.

Hi, my name is Brooklyn Rios. I have decided to be baptized and become a follower/disciple of Jesus Christ because God used my dad Jonathan and my mom Ashley to disciple me.

They took us to church one Sunday, and at first…we didn’t like it, but as we started going more often, we started liking it more. In fact, loving it more.

I love Jesus because he loves me and died on the Cross for me for my sins to be forgiven and for my eternal salvation. I also love Jesus because he has started to make positive changes in my life, and I know this is only the beginning.

I once was a disobedient child and had an issue with listening to my parents. I stole things and snuck around, and I never learned from my mistakes and never owned up to them. I lied very often.

However, since I’ve had Jesus in my life, I have learned to be more obedient to my parents, but most importantly obedient to God and the things that he wants for me. I know that it might be a slow transformation aligning more into the image of Christ, but I am very excited to the future and what it may bring with Jesus now at the wheel. Not myself.

I have grown to love our Church and Our Church family. Jesus has changed my life in many ways over the past two years at Bridge Pointe. I see it as a miracle. Praise Jesus. Thank you for dying for me on the cross so that I may have life. I am ready to be baptized as a sign of obedience and to fulfill righteousness.

Jamie S.

I didn’t grow up going to church, although I was read the Bible by my parents every Saturday, taught about Jesus being crucified for our sins, which I always felt a strong connection with wanting to know and understand more. I didn’t even see it coming when I had begun to stray away, it’s as if I didn’t even realize how far and fast it happened to me…

…I’ve had quite a bit happen throughout life, as has everyone. I had so many losses and painful situations happening in my life, one right after another, especially from the years of 2018 up until even today, I cried and asked God how much he thought I could handle. I was mad, I was hurt, I was completely and utterly lost. I didn’t want to live but I didn’t want to die but I needed Jesus but didn’t realize it. Over the last 2 years I started to feel differently after losing a baby and almost my life in the process of losing our baby. I felt a pulling towards something, but still didn’t fully understand what it was.

In September, our family went through something awful, I dropped to my knees and prayed to God, I prayed to Jesus and I prayed with every single fiber of my being….my prayers were answered beyond a doubt and quickly. It was ever since then I 100% just knew God, Jesus, His angels all had come through and answered my cries for help, of me begging for help for one of my children, they answered so very quickly, and I know this because had they not, my child would have gone through so much worse than he did. It was made very clear to me and my boyfriend that it was God, Jesus and His angels who sprung into action and saved my boy. My prayers that day were answered, even though I had drifted so far off.

Ever since that day, I have thanked God and Jesus for what could have happened being stopped with their divine intervention. The pulling feeling that I didn’t recognize became so much stronger since then but I didn’t know what to do with it. I truly feel Jesus saw all the struggles I was going through and that I just didn’t know how to get closer or what to do because I was never taught about that…I needed Jesus in my heart, my soul, my whole being…

…I’ve been saved by Jesus Christ not only dying on the cross for my sins but also for Him guiding me straight to Him with open arms when I was struggling to understand what was spiritually happening to me, He came to help me and did He ever!!!! I feel I have finally, truly been blessed with Jesus becoming a part of my everyday life, my heart, the way I see and react to things differently than I would before, I finally feel unconditional love and understand true forgiveness. 

Randy S.

Story coming soon…

Norman V.

I Love Jesus and appreciate all that he has done in my life, especially bringing my wife and I together. I also wanted to make the choice as an adult to be baptized as I was baptized by my parents many years ago.

Rosemarie V.

I so love Jesus that I wanted to make the choice to be baptized to complete what my parents did many years ago when I was an infant. I so appreciate all that He has done helping me many times when I have struggled with making health and life changing decisions. Thank you Lord Jesus.

Veronica Vieira

I always believed in God growing up, just never really felt close to Him or knew the Bible that well. I would never feel at peace, and always felt like I was being attacked spiritually, always stressed out, and felt like everything was always going wrong for me. I felt unlucky and sometimes alone, and I felt like I needed Him in my life. I needed to get closer to Him, so I began reading my Bible, and praying to him, and just talking to God when I don’t know how to put my words into a prayer. Then I feel at peace, I feel calm and like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and now I find comfort in my faith and love for him. Thats why I decided I was ready to be baptized because I know baptism would bring me closer to God and I want God to know my love for Him.

Maria V.

Story coming soon…

Autumn Wick

David Wyatt

This past Sunday during Jarod's message on Baptism it was as if my heart burst forth and revealed to me that it wanted and needed a closer relationship to God through My Savior Jesus Christ.

Before this revelation I had thought "I don't need to be born again " I had been baptized as an infant and sprinkled when I joined the Roman Catholic Church when in my early twenties.

But here I was after the service Sunday anxious to tell my son in-law and daughter what I felt I needed to do.

So with the enthusiastic support of my son in-law Mark and my daughter Kim I proceeded to the church picnic and baptism. I had great joy in my heart.

Now I know that through Jesus' life and death my sins are paid for and through His resurrection from the dead I will be able to live in Gods Kingdom praising His name forever.