Baptism Celebration | June 11, 2023

On Sunday June 11, we gathered at Bristol Town Beach for this summer’s first Picnic and Baptism event. Fifteen people made decisions to follow Jesus and publicly show that life-changing decision through baptism. You can see photos from our time together here, and we invite you to read their baptism stories below. If you are interested in being baptized, or are curious and would like to have a conversation about baptism, let us know!

Saira A.

Before the baptisms on Sunday night, Jared explained what it means to be baptized, and presented the good news of what Jesus did for us and what it means to live for Him. After hearing this and the testimony of others about to be baptized, Saira decided to respond to the good news of Jesus by being baptized herself!

David B.

Testimony or love letter? Our God is a faithful God. He is a persistent God. He is a merciful God. Every time He tried showing me what life could be like if I fully surrendered to him, I ran. I believed being a “lukewarm Christian” was enough. I believed giving him an hour a week was enough. I believed the things in this world would bring me happiness. They did not. True joy comes from the Lord. I, as many others, planned out my life in one straight line. The Lord knew my plan would not have brought me to Him. Along the way, God allowed “opportunities“ for me to seek Him out through adversities and eventually I did. In the single greatest act of mankind, God‘s love was demonstrated on the cross. Jesus has shown me what true love is, what unfailingly mercy is, and what peace that goes beyond understanding is. Our limited human minds cannot fathom His Glory and Majesty, nor were they meant to. I look forward to the day when I am in His presence, His Holiness. To fully feel what absolute pure love is. Until then, I will give Thanks and Praise to you Almighty Father.

Adriana C.

My life before Jesus felt torn and far away from God. I lived my life thinking Jesus and the Bible were not real because my family and I never really talked about them. Jesus changed my life by introducing me to this church and the ability to believe and to learn about Him every day. I am amazed and grateful to God for this wonderful moment I'll be able to experience. I decided to get baptized so I can feel free from sin and closer to God. I pray for many more years to follow, worship and praise God.

Lucas C.

I have grown up in a Christian family and have always loved God. I struggled with anxiety and started reading the Bible and my mom said that my Dad and I should get baptized. My Dad and I talked to Jared about it took a class and we thought we were ready. I prayed a lot and then went to the park and got baptized.

John C.

After years of walking toward Jesus, John decided to be baptized as an expression of his commitment to Jesus.

Riley C.

I want to get baptized because I've been waiting a long time. I am ready to live for Jesus. I know He will help me through hard times. I know God is with me and He can always fix things. I pray to Him and I will keep praying to Him. I'm excited to see God in heaven. I know my grandma is there with Him. I hope God can answer all my questions. I get emotional because this makes me so happy and maybe cry a little bit.

Sarah H.

I have always had a personal connection with Jesus since as long as I can remember as a child. I grew up in a strong Christian family; however, I never took the major step to surrender myself to him. As I am married and have children now, I wanted to make the conscious choice to do this. It couldn’t be a more perfect time.

Drew H.

Born and raised from day one with love for Jesus in my life.

Respect for God above, his word, living life for what was right.

Age came with struggles, mature distractions, and a fading faith.

Shorter seasons, longer reasons, and a death defying fate.

Holy Spirit spoke to me “My dear child, don’t you fray. Your living path and earthly purpose is here to lead, preach, and pray.”

Life unwritten began to grow as responsibilities do equate.

Lord’s love lead to wed a wife, borne two boys, with a third underway.

It could be clever, now more than ever, to live a life reborn.

So we decided, with brothers and sisters, united, to become baptized in the summer’s shore.

Jacob L.

I have always had a feeling that life has a deeper meaning to it than most people realize. I came to discover Jesus' love for me and my love for Him. It may have been in a morbid manner, but through my mother's cancer, she came to find life in Jesus, and she showed me this grace. I have felt a deeper meaning to life since she showed me BridgePointe and the love Jesus has for us. It is nice to have friends to go to church with every week, and their finding Jesus has brought the best feeling to my heart. I am so proud to say I am devoted to Jesus.

Shane O.

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Corrie P.

I have always had Jesus in my life, but now more than ever! Tragedy has been a big part of my life. I was married for 18 years before divorcing and had three beautiful children: Michael, Tyler, and Alyssa, who have always been my world. My oldest child, Michael, was involved in an accident when he was 17 years old, resulting in him losing his very best friend, Jacob, and suffering from survivor's guilt. He struggled for nine years with alcohol and drug addiction to ease his pain. I remember feeling that I did everything I possibly could to help Michael and talking/praying to God asking for His help. I remember feeling very helpless one day on my way to work and saying to God, "If You truly believe You cannot help my son and You believe he will never get better, You can take him." Never in my wildest dreams did I think this would ever happen, but it did and now I regret saying those words to God. After many rehabs, prison time, and daily struggles, Michael overdosed on February 11, 2020 at the age of 26. My life was instantly changed when Michael died. Things that used to matter so much really didn't matter to me anymore. I feel that this was my turning point when I became closer to Jesus because not only does He have my beautiful boy, but He brings me peace and strength when I ask for it. Not long after losing Michael, my sister Jill was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, which is usually a very cut-and-dry surgery to remove the thyroid, but hers turned out to be much worse. The cancer spread, and I thought I might lose her. I prayed and prayed and prayed and miraculously she is in remission living a healthy beautiful life! Last year, my brother Matt was on a ventilator in the ICU with pancreatitis and again I thought I was going to lose my brother. The doctors told us many times that he might not make it through the night. I prayed and prayed and prayed and miraculously he pulled through and is also living a healthy beautiful life! These are just a few of the many difficult times in my life. I always use the saying, "God only gives you what He knows you can handle, and I don't know why He thinks I'm so strong but obviously He does." Recently, I suffered another heartbreak, and I believe that Jesus chose the path I was supposed to be on and ended a special relationship. I have so much faith in Jesus and talk and pray to Him frequently to get through my difficult times. I believe that He knows what is best for everyone and with His love, faith, and trust, I will walk with Him through the rest of my life here on earth and look forward to the day I am reunited with my son again when I finally meet Jesus. Amen

Ann D.

Alyssa P.

As a little girl, I’ve been through a few hardships. I wouldn’t say they define who I am, but I definitely think they shaped how I not only look at life, but how I guard my heart. I never had much knowledge about Jesus growing up and really never thought twice about it. Now fast forward to the beginning of my adult life, I now needed God in my life more than ever. Not just for the fact that He helps me get through anything with a calmness in my heart, but because I know He has my brother, Michael, with Him and is keeping him safe until I get to see him again one day. I now have a love for Jesus that I never want to lose. I finally feel like everything in my life is how it is supposed to be and I thank God for always helping me find the light in dark situations. He makes my life so much better and I never want to experience life without Him by my side again. I hope that one day I can help others see what God can do for them. It’s an amazing feeling to finally be washed of my sins and come up clean. Thank you to my Auntie for introducing us to this church and helping us see just how incredible Jesus can be. To be doing this with the three most amazing women in my life is a gift sent from heaven above.

Eric S.

I thought I knew God and Christ my entire life. I was "churched" and even served faithfully for many years. Recently, God revealed to me that I was living life in danger of being turned over to a depraved mind. I was living double-sided and fighting anyone who tried to call me out. Last Sunday around 3 a.m., I finally came to the end of myself. I realized what I am and would be without Jesus, so I decided to get baptized.

Helena S.

I've always had a love for Jesus, first rooted in the Catholic faith. Today, I am getting baptized as a sign of my full surrendering to our Lord. From losing my wonderful father, to dealing with heartbreak, then adjusting to raising my three beautiful children on my own, I felt so much grief and loss. Having lived in East Providence the majority of my life, I was shocked when I was driving and looked up to see a sign with "BridgePointe Christian Church" written on it. I drive down that same route so often and never had noticed it prior, but Jesus knew I needed this. I had to walk into BridgePointe and from that moment, I have seen such change in my life and in my faith journey. God's timing is perfect and every day I am learning more and more how to trust it.