Holy Week Devotions

In this week leading up to Easter, referred to many Christians as Holy Week, we are looking at five scenes in Jesus’ life beginning with the Last Supper and concluding with His crucifixion. The Scripture passages are from the book of Luke and we hope that these devotions will help you better understand the good news of God’s forgiveness of sin through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Monday - The Last Supper, Luke 22:7-23

To start us off this week, Keith Cabral, our Discipleship Pastor, reads from Luke 22:7-23, the Last Supper with Jesus and His disciples. It was at this meal that Jesus revealed His identity and purpose to His disciples through the Passover meal.

Tuesday - Jesus in gethsemane, Luke 22:39-46

Mark Medeiros, who serves on the Shepherd team and BP Kids team, reads Luke 22:39-46 and looks at Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. It was in this moment that Jesus accepted the weight of God’s wrath against the sin of the world.

WEDNESDAY - Jesus UNDER ARREST, Luke 22:47-62

Natasha Conde, our BP Kids Director, reads from Luke 22:47-62 when Jesus was arrested and the disciples didn't know how to respond to the suffering of Jesus.

THURSDAY - Jesus ON TRIAL, Luke 22:63-23:25

Ezekiel Payne, BridgePointe’s Director of Ministries, reads Luke 22:63-23:25 when Jesus was put on trial, and as one who is innocent, dies so that the guilty may live.

FRIDAY - Jesus UPON THE CROSS, Luke 23:26-49

Lukas Irizarry, BridgePointe's Production Director, reads from Luke 23:26-49, looking at Jesus on the cross as the King who died to bring sinners into His Kingdom.