Baltimore Work Trip to Hopeville Church

A team of four men from BridgePointe took a trip to Baltimore, Maryland to help our outreach partner, Hopeville Church

Brian Cowgur led the group that traveled to Baltimore October 26-29. They assisted Hopeville pastor, Joshua Symonette, in work on a newly-acquired warehouse space.

“We painted, sanded, spent time with Joshua and got to hear about his vision for reaching the community in Baltimore,” said Brian. “They really want to build their community up, help them grow. Baltimore is really beautiful, but the community needs a lot of TLC.” 

Hopeville will use the space for offices and events, a place for the community to gather for trainings, studies, and outreach events. 

“You could really tell how meaningful it is to Hopeville to have this partnership with BridgePointe, not just in a financial way, but real tangible effort that says ‘we’re with you.’”