Forever Changed: Your Story

Disciples of Jesus have met Jesus and been changed by Him. If you’re a disciple, you have a story of the difference Jesus makes. Your story is a before and after picture of your life that shows the transformation only Jesus can make.

It can be tough to know when to share your story. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open the heart and mind of the person and ask God to give you an opportunity to share with them. Opportunities may come when:

  • Someone notices something different about your life and you can tell them how Jesus makes a difference.

  • Someone is going through some thing that Jesus has helped you through and you can share what He has done.

  • Someone asks you spiritual questions and you start by sharing why faith in Jesus is most important to you.

  • You invite someone to connect with your church and you tell them how the church has been a blessing to you.

To be ready to share your story, you need to know what your forever changed story is. At the core, this simply means that you can share about what Jesus has done and how He’s changed to you. It’s valuable to write this down to identify it and organize it. That will make it easier for you to speak about when you have the opportunity. So, take some time to reflect and write your story. Here are some key questions to get you started:

  • What was my life like before Jesus?

  • How did I encounter Jesus in a life-changing way?

  • How am I different than who I would have been without Jesus?

We have a “Share Your Story” page in the resource section of our website. It has some helpful tips to help you in your writing, and you can share it with us as well! We’d love to know how meeting Jesus has forever changed your life.

Jared Cowgur

Lead Pastor