How to Fast

Many of us have never fasted before. It’s not a regular rhythm in our families or culture, and yet, fasting is an important practice which connects us to God in a way nothing else can. When Jesus instructs his disciples to fast he doesn’t say “if” you fast but “when” you fast (Matthew 6:16). Jesus knows how important fasting is in a world of excess and disordered desires.

Fasting is a Christian practice in which we choose to abstain from food or something else for a specific period of time in order to concentrate on God. We live in a culture of desires, excess and luxury. Fasting rejects those desires and proclaims God is our greatest desire and source of satisfaction

Jesus says in Matthew 4:4, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Fasting is a tangible way for us to say this is true for our lives.

It is a common practice for Christians to fast during Lent as we remember the 40 days of Jesus fasting in the wilderness and the suffering Jesus endured on the cross. This is why we are fasting and praying together during our Alpha series.

Things to Remember:

  • Don’t fast alone. Whether it’s from sweets, social media or a meal fasting is far more effective when we have the accountability and encouragement of a friend.

  • Make it attainable. Start where you are at. Set a clear goal for yourself. Always remember the purpose: to make space for God.

  • When fasting from food your fast could be from one meal or multiple - it’s up to you. Go for some, or all of the day without eating—skip a single meal or do a 24-hour fast (e.g. Tuesday dinner until Wednesday dinner).

  • Fasting is not a way for us to impress God or manipulate Him. It is a way for us to turn from our physical appetites and recognize our greater hunger and need for God. As you refrain from eating, be sure to devote that time to prayer.

Practical Tips & Suggestions:

  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. If you need to drink juices or other liquids, remember that keeping a strict fast is not the goal.

  • Don’t give up too quickly. Press through, and let your body feel the hunger.

  • Decide ahead of time when you will begin and break the fast, and commit to wait.

  • Be careful to not fill up your time with activities that keep you from praying.

  • Spend some extended time with your children in prayer at the beginning of the day. Talk to them about how we need God just like our bodies need food.

  • Utilize a BridgePointe Scripture guide and allow your Bible reading to fuel your prayer time.

  • Journal what you believe God is saying to you during this time.

As with any practice we hope fasting will produce joy and closeness with Jesus as we follow Him. If you have questions or want extra guideance feel free to reach out at