Jennifer & Nancy's Baptism Stories

Jennifer C.

Jen’s baptism story is one of peace and happiness after a dark and troubled past. Here is her story:

“I grew up in Boston in a Catholic household with two loving parents and two amazing younger sisters. Most of my childhood years were wonderful until I was sexually molested as a child. That was something that I carried for many years. In my teen years, I volunteered as a Catechist and attended Mass on and off. But something was missing.

At the age of 17, I gave birth to a beautiful girl, at 18 I miscarried, and shortly after I had a handsome boy. By becoming a mother at such a young age, I was no longer allowed to be a Catechist and didn’t feel welcomed at church. I was forced to grow up fast. At the age of 19, I became a single mother after enduring years of abuse from the past relationship that I was in. Depression hit hard. I began to hate myself and would go out clubbing, drinking and hanging out with people I shouldn’t have. At the age of 20, I was a victim of sexual abuse, again and my life began to crumble. I hated myself and couldn’t find happiness. I became lost and got addicted to pornography. The Jennifer that you would see was a happy, bubbly, outgoing person, but inside, I was drowning in pain and couldn’t ask for help.

Some years went by and I met an amazing man who reintroduced me to God. I knew of Him and loved God dearly, but I was afraid to commit to Him. A few years went by and I married him–and although I loved him, I still hated myself. I became lost again and returned to my old ways: dancing, drinking, hanging out with the wrong crowd and pornography. My marriage began to fall apart. I hated my husband for no reason at all and I hated myself for what my life was like. I was so ashamed and embarrassed. Despite a wonderful, loving husband, amazing kids, and awesome, supporting parents and sisters, good education and career – I wasn’t happy. I was missing God, but fear was holding me back. I was suffering quietly, drowning in sin and was afraid to reach out. I felt too embarrassed to reach out to God.

On a Saturday in March 2020, I was hanging out with some friends who began to do drugs. I had never witnessed anything like that and left quickly and was very afraid. The following day, I decided to go to BridgePointe for the first time after being invited by a dear friend several times in the past. As I pulled into the church parking lot, I began to shake, feeling so nervous and unsure whether to go in or not. As I walked in, I was greeted by some amazing people with beautiful smiles. I quickly ran into the restroom and broke down in tears. I heard voices in my head tell me things like, “what are you doing here? You are dirty. Look at everyone, they are perfect and clean. If they knew who you were, they would throw you out. You don’t belong with these people. You are a failure, an embarrassment. You should feel ashamed of yourself. Imagine if they knew how you live and what you do.”

I wiped my tears and walked out thinking I was going to leave; but I was quickly escorted by a woman to the auditorium and sat in the far back corner. I sat there quietly shaking and nervous that someone would notice me. I didn’t want to be noticed. As Pastor Jared began to preach, I felt chills down my spine. The message of the day was exactly what I needed to hear. It spoke about the exact things I was facing in life. I felt God speak to me. After church, I went home crying and felt that BridgePointe was my new home. I was ready to commit to attend church every Sunday thereafter.

However, COVID hit that same week and church went online. I attended BridgePointe almost every Sunday online but soon began to fall back to my old ways and my marriage started falling apart again because of my behavior. I felt 100 times worse. I hated myself and just couldn’t find happiness. Once again, I became lost. One day, as I was driving home, I began to cry and pray out loud to God: “God, I know you are out there, I know you hear me, I believe in you. I need you to come rescue me from these waters that I am drowning in. I don’t want to live like this anymore.” I got home and poured out my heart to God even more and went into Scripture, something I never quite did. A couple weeks later, I met a friend at BridgePointe who introduced me to The Bible app and since then I have been reading Scripture, devotionals, and plans every day and continue to attend BridgePointe every Sunday. My faith grew stronger and my life began to change.

My old ways of life were gone, I crushed them! My old behavior was replaced with good behavior! I am now FREE! I have so much peace, love and happiness in me. I never felt this amazing before. The chains no longer rest on me. Jesus loves me, he always did. He was waiting for me to reach out to him and repent. He pulled me out of the waters. He told me that fear is a liar and that I am strong and loved.

Prior to making the decision to get baptized, I was talking to the same friend who introduced me to The Bible app and I told him that I would love to get baptized but I wasn’t ready and didn’t feel close enough to God yet. He told me that in Luke 5:31, Jesus said, “it is not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick.” He also told me that baptism is the first step in life with Jesus. Those words meant a lot to me and made me see things differently so, thank you brother!

I hope my story inspires someone who is struggling, and may you know that fear is a liar. Jesus loves you and that you can overcome any addiction that you are facing. Jesus is ready to help you, but you have to reach out to him and repent. He will rescue you just as he rescued me! Invite him into your heart.

As I stand here today, with my very good friend and sister in Christ, Isabelle, I thank God for saving me and loving me. I am more than ready to accept Jesus in my heart and into my life. I am ready to be baptized and leave the old Jennifer behind and come out of the water as the new Jennifer! I love you all!”


Nancy G.

My parents were married in their early twenties, my Dad was a Korean War vet my mother was a nurse’s aid. They had 9 children I am the 8th child. I was a sweet little girl, I was the baby and said my prayers every night before bed. We were a Catholic family who attended church every Sunday and said grace with every meal. We were an exciting family with an open door policy, my parents were very loving and kind always willing to help anyone in need. My father dealt with health issues but still managed to provide for us. He was a strong man who put God first and taught us all about life.

The Summer of 1976, tragedy struck our family when two of my brothers drowned in a swimming accident. It was a very confusing time for me as I was only six years old. As time passed I would act out, my parents did not always have the best approach with me and my siblings were doing their own thing. My parents were fearful of letting us go anywhere so in turn this caused a lot of insecurities. At the age of nine I gave my parents a scare. I was struck by a drunk driver while riding my bicycle, I was propelled head first into a brick wall in front of my house. I knew at that age that I could have died, the doctors were in awe that I did not have permanent injuries.

During my twenties I rebelled a bit, I put God on the back burner and decided I was going to do things my way, I thought my parents were too critical about things, they overreacted and there was always a sense of sadness in the home. I did not make wise choices when it came to choosing a mate. I unequally yoked myself with a nonbeliever and as a result my sons were fatherless. With feelings of abandonment and pain, God loved me when I couldn’t love myself. My actions would cause my sons pain through life, I felt much guilt over this. I was a great Mom who provided for my children with God’s help. In 2001 I lost my father and then a year later I lost my youngest brother Matthew. In 2004 my younger son at the age of 4 was diagnosed with Asperger’s. My Mother was a source of strength, and I hers, she was my best friend. I stood by her until she too passed in 2013.

My favorite verse is Deuteronomy 31: 6: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Our father in heaven has protected me through out all my trials in life, when I strayed he waited patiently for my return. The grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ is what saves us. My decision to be baptized is to fully commit my heart to our Lord acknowledging his love for me.