First Quarter Financial Update

Dear BridgePointe,

As I write this email to all who have given to BridgePointe so far in 2020, I feel deeply humbled and grateful for the outpouring of generosity the church has received. Thank you so much for your part in this. 

As you know, the church’s financial stability is completely dependent on the faithful generosity of its people. The first quarter (Jan-Mar) of this year demonstrates the power of our collective generosity, and that’s what is so humbling to me. In the first two months of the year, our giving exceeded the projections of the Finance Team by $15,000, providing the church with much-needed resources to allocate toward multisite expansion in the future. (Check out our Vision Sunday message from January to hear our vision for multisite.)

In the month since COVID-19 dramatically changed the financial landscape of our country, the people of BridgePointe have continued their incredible generosity and our giving has continued to meet budget projections! In the midst of such financial uncertainty, this is a remarkable witness to our faith in Jesus and passion for His work through the church. As a result, our first quarter ended with a balanced budget and a surplus set aside for future campus multiplication. 

Together, we’re a church that continues gaining momentum in the mission of making disciples of Jesus in relationships, even in the midst of a global crisis. And that’s what makes me so thankful. This has proven to be a rare opportunity to reach people with the Gospel. More people than ever are worshipping together with church online. I’ve heard so many stories of people sharing these services and inviting people to them. We’ve welcomed many first time guests and witnessed salvation decisions each week. This past Sunday over 400 households joined our livestreams, and we estimate over 1,000 people worshipped with us online this Easter! We are confident that God is using this strange time to prepare us for the even greater things He has in store for us. The mission continues. The work carries on. 

I’m so humbled to be part of such a generous church. I’m so thankful that we’re a church that keeps moving forward on the mission of Jesus. And you, through your giving, have helped make both a reality. Especially now, I’m deeply grateful for your commitment to God’s work through the sacrificial practice of giving to your church. If you haven’t transitioned to online giving and are willing to do so, you can go to to schedule your giving or access your personal giving details. If you have any questions, reach out to

Let’s keep showing and sharing the love of Jesus. The world around us needs it more than ever!

Praying for One together, 

Jared Cowgur
Lead Pastor, BridgePointe Christian Church