What is Advent?

Advent is the season of preparation before Christmas. The word Advent means, “coming or arrival. ” The season is marked by the four Sundays before Christmas and it gives us the opportunity to celebrate that Jesus has already come and both anticipate and live in the expectation that He will come again.

At BridgePointe, we use this season of anticipation to center our hearts and minds on Jesus’ arrival, not the stress, hurry and worry of the holidays. We are kicking off the season on Sunday 11/29 with the start of our series Reason to Sing. The other two ways we mark the season is through an Advent Guide and the lighting of candles on an Advent wreath each Sunday leading up to Christmas.

  • Our 2020 Advent guide will help you to read Scripture daily and focus on Jesus this season. It also includes the Advent readings and songs for each Sunday. We have printed booklets available for pick up from BP. Stop by the front lobby doors and pick up your copy from the bo

  • We use an Advent wreath with five candles, one gets lit each week, to help us count down the weeks of this season. As we draw near to Christmas day, we pray our hearts will draw nearer to God as well.

Make your own Advent wreath at home

Many of us are worshipping from home right now due to the pandemic. We encourage you to make your own Advent wreath to be able to light the candles at home along with us. It can be a traditional wreath with traditional candles (you can find plenty on Amazon), or it can be five tea lights, or group of pillar candles, assembled on your coffee table. There are plenty of non-traditional advent wreath ideas out there — take a look online!

The aim is to use this season to slow down, prepare our hearts, and let the tradition and symbolism remind us of the truths of Christmas and help mark the meaning of the season for us.

So, grab that Advent Guide, get your candles ready and make sure you join us to worship for our first Sunday in Advent!

You can read more about the history of Advent and learn more about the symbolism by checking out these online articles and resources:

What is Advent? - from Christianity.com

The Season of Advent - The Village Church