Surprise Baptism and a Nine Year Old's Decision


Becca B.

Becca was a part of our most recent Starting Point class, and at the last class she decided not wait to be get baptized that evening. Jared and the class streamed Becca's baptism live on Facebook - you can watch it on our FB page. Here is Becca's baptism in her own words: 

"As an infant, my parents had me baptized, and we sporadically attended church services, but I wasn't taught to practice faith at home. I have always heard Jesus' name spoken, and heard stories from the Bible when I occasionally attended church through the years, but I never had the faith that Jesus was my Savior, or that He was real. I began my journey to finding Jesus when I had hit rock bottom about seven months ago, and found myself needing to find my Bible, which at the time, was somewhere in a storage bin outside of my tiny apartment. Shortly after that I knew I needed to go to church. Jesus changed my life when I was invited to BridgePoint where I hope to continue in my walk of faith. "

Caroline C.

"All my life I've known about God because my parents read the Bible to me and told me about Jesus at a young age. Just recently I started asking questions. I started reading and following along in BP Kids in my Bible. I've watched baptisms for a long time and always enjoyed seeing the people come out of the water. I believe that Jesus is the one true God. There is no one like Him.  I need Jesus because I'm a sinner and I don't always get things rights. I'm excited to follow and trust Jesus for the rest of my life. Thank you for praying for me! I am one. "


Summer Kick-off Baptisms


No Turning Back - First 15 Guide