Baptism Story: Marie L.

Marie and her grandson were baptized at the noon service on April 23rd. Here is Marie's story:

"Last year when I entered BridgePointe, I did so saying to myself, "I'm only visiting." Well, I'm here to stay and I'm so blessed that I walked through the door. The welcoming I received was so awesome and loving, the music was fantastic, and Jared's sermon was by far the best I've ever heard. I've learned so much in my short time here and I'm so blessed. I've certainly sinned a lot in my life, all of which I have now asked forgiveness for and I know the Lord has forgiven me. I still struggle with forgiveness and God bless Steve and Val for being there for me through this. I'm so blessed to have them in my life. Today, I want to be baptized and be closer to my Lord and to do all good works for Him, as I've found out the hard way that my way does not work.  Thank you for this blessing of being baptized. I am so grateful. "