BridgePointe Christian Church

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Seeing God's Love in Candy Bars

In just two weeks, the people of BridgePointe will be connecting with thousands of individuals on Halloween night. Historically this night has been shrouded in darkness, but we believe this night is an opportunity for the Church to shine God’s love to each person who comes to our front door. 

How can candy bars share God's love? Each candy bar is someone we haven't met yet, but someone that God already loves. Each bar represents the individual prayers we pray for one more person to find hope in Jesus. Each bar is a potential conversation, and a potential connection. 

We hope that our neighbors begin to associate BridgePointe's generosity and openness with the love of God our Father.  We pray that over time, they will be willing to come on a Sunday and find that we have something so much sweeter than candy to offer them, we have the hope of Jesus. 

This year we are handing out single, full size candy bars, with a card from BridgePointe wrapped around them. We need your help to make it happen! Please bring your candy bar donations to the BridgePointe Center by October 27th. And most importantly, pray for the ones receiving the candy bars, pray that they might just see God's love in us this Halloween.