2019 Lent Guide

Our beliefs are a window through which we see the world around us. Whether we are aware of it or not, we each have a set of beliefs. Sometimes they are formed carefully over many years, other times, they just happen to develop, unintentionally, and without our knowing. Either way, we carry a set beliefs about ourselves and others; our past, and our future; God, Jesus, and the Church.

The more clear our beliefs are, the more confidently we will live.
The more clouded our beliefs, the more conflicted we’ll be.

In our series, Seeing Clearly, we are looking at our core beliefs as Christians. This series corresponds with the celebration of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter. Both Lent and the teaching series focus on the refining of our minds, our hearts and our souls, so we can see Jesus clearly and marvel at who He is, what He has done and how He is at work in our lives.


This guide is intended to help direct your personal time with God in scripture and journaling. The reading each day will help you go deeper in that week’s core belief. We suggest the S.O.A.P. method of reading and journaling to help you think and reflect critically about your beliefs and what scripture says.

  • Scripture: Write the Scripture reference for the passage you are studying.

  • Observation: Make one observation from the passage.

  • Application: Write how this applies to your life.

  • Prayer: Talk to God about what you have read.

You can engage with the questions provided in the guide throughout the week.

Fasting Together

On Wednesdays we invite you to join BridgePointe in fasting together. Fasting is a biblical practice in which God’s people choose to abstain from food for a specific period of time in order to concentrate on God, their greatest desire and source of satisfaction. Read more about fasting in our blog post- Lent 2019: Fast Together.

If this study produces questions you’d like to discuss or prompts you to make a commitment to Jesus through baptism, please email us at info@bridgepointechristian.com

WEEK ONE - GOD (Starting Sunday March 10th)

Scripture Reading

Monday: Genesis 1

Tuesday: Psalm 145

Wednesday: John 1 and Fast Together

Thursday:  James 1

Friday: 1 John 1 and 1 John 2

Reflection Questions for the Week

  • What attributes does the Bible give to God?

  • Reflect on the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit? How does each person of God work in your life?

  • How does having a right belief in God change your everyday life?

WEEK two - bible

Scripture Reading

Monday: Psalm 19

Tuesday: 2 Timothy 3

Wednesday: 2 Peter 1 and Fast Together

Thursday:  John 5

Friday: Psalm 119

Reflection Questions for the Week

  • What place does the Bible currently have in your life?

  • Take time to reflect and write down what God says about the Bible in these passages of scripture.

  • How does having a right belief about the Bible change your everyday life?

WEEK three - people

Scripture Reading

Monday: Genesis 1:26 - 2:25

Tuesday: Psalm 139

Wednesday: James 3 and Fast Together

Thursday:  Isaiah 43

Friday: Revelation 21

Reflection Questions for the Week

  • How does it change the way you view yourself and others when you understand we are created in the image of God?

  • Currently, do you feel like your work gives you a purpose that brings blessing? What would it look like for you to do something you love that brings beauty into the world?

  • God wants us to be fully alive - living in His presence, doing His work, and being His love. Which one of these would help you be more fully alive?

WEEK FOUR - Salvation

Scripture Reading

Monday: Genesis 3

Tuesday: Romans 3

Wednesday: Romans 6 and Fast Together

Thursday: Galatians 5

Friday: Philippians 2

Reflection Questions for the Week

  • Reflect on how you’ve recently felt the affect of sin in your life.

  • Why is Jesus the only solution for our sin?

  • Jesus reconciles our relationship with God and restores His image in us. How have you seen this happen in your life?

WEEK Five - Holy spirit

Scripture Reading

Monday: John 14

Tuesday: John 15

Wednesday: John 16 and Fast Together

Thursday: 1 Corinthians 12

Friday: Acts 2

Reflection Questions for the Week

  • Do you remember when you first felt the conviction over sin, fear of judgement, desire for something more than the life you once lived?

  • Do you ever feel like you are seeing the same results, stuck in the same ruts, or losing the same battles? How does the Spirit help us be more like Jesus?

  • The Spirit enables us to make a difference. How has the Spirit gifted you to contribute to the church? What are you naturally good at and what brings you joy?

  • The Spirit enables us to make the most of every opportunity with people who need Jesus. Who is your Pray for One? How is the Spirit working in that relationship?

WEEK six - Eternity

Scripture Reading

Monday: 1 Thessalonians 4:15-16, John 5:28-29, 1 Corinthians 15:51-53

Tuesday: 2 Corinthians 5:10, Hebrews 4:13 & 9:27-28, Matthew 16:27

Wednesday: Fast Together and Hebrews 10:26-27, 2 Peter 3:9

Thursday: 2 Thessalonians 1:7b-9, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, Philippians 1:21

Friday: Matthew 24 & 25

Reflection Questions for the Week

  • What stood out to you from this week’s reading?

  • How does all of this impact your life right now?