Acts Resources

The Book of Acts gives us a glimpse into the life of the early church and the first disciples of Jesus. Their life and legacy show us what the church should look like today and how we can spread the good news of Jesus wherever we go.

BridgePointe’s teaching series in the book of Acts

BridgePointe is teaching through the book of Acts in three parts. The first part of Acts was covered in 2019, the second part during the summer of 2021, and the last part was taught in the spring of 2023. Below are links to each of the series.

Part 1

Now What? Acts Ch. 1 & 2 | The adventure after the resurrection

Now What?
Acts Ch. 1 & 2 | The adventure after the resurrection

Less Church Acts 3-6 | The kind of church that can't be stopped

Less Church
Acts 3-6 | The kind of church that can't be stopped

Skipping Stones Acts 6-10 | People who move the Gospel forward

Skipping Stones
Acts 6-10 | People who move the Gospel forward

Part 2

The Flame Acts 11-19 | The spark of the Spirit & the spread of the Gospel

The Flame
Acts 11-19 | The spark of the Spirit & the spread of the Gospel


Till the Day I Die
Acts 20-28 | The Faith that Keeps Us Going


Resources for Living on Mission

Book: Surprise the World

This little book clearly describes the five habits of highly missional people. Quick to read, simple to understand, this book is both freeing and challenging as it provides a blue print to live in a way that surprises the world around us.

Reading Scripture

Each time BridgePointe revisits Acts is a chance to read through the book again. The book is 28 chapters long. We’ve outlined a plan to read through five chapters a week and complete the book in six weeks. But you can use other Acts reading plans, like the She Reads Truth Acts Plan, the He Reads Truth Acts Plan, or even read a chapter a day and be done in four weeks.

If Scripture reading isn’t a regular rhythm we encourage you to reorder your daily routine to make it a priority. We encourage you to use a notebook or journal and use the SOAP method for Bible Study detailed down at the end of this page.

Overview & Context

Check out these videos from the Bible Project which provide an overview of the book of Acts.

Six Week Acts Reading Plan

Use SOAP: Read the Scripture. Write down your Observations and Application to your life. Pray in response to what you’ve read.


Day 1: Act 1

Day 2: Acts 2

Day 3: Acts 3

Day 4: Acts 4

Day 5: Acts 5

Week 2

Day 1: Acts 6

Day 2: Acts 7

Day 3: Acts 8

Day 4: Acts 9

Day 5: Acts 10

Week 3

Day 1: Acts 11

Day 2: Acts 12

Day 3: Acts 13

Day 4: Acts 14

Day 5: Acts 15

Week 4

Day 1: Acts 16

Day 2: Acts 17

Day 3: Acts 18

Day 4: Acts 19

Day 5: Acts 20

Week 5

Day 1: Acts 21

Day 2: Acts 22

Day 3: Acts 23

Day 4: Acts 24

Day 5: Acts 25

Week 6

Day 1: Acts 26

Day 2: Acts 27

Day 3: Acts 28


S.O.A.P. is an acronym for Scripture, observation, application and prayer. It’s a powerful tool that moves you from the text into the reality of your life. Using this method consistently will make it a habit and something you are familiar with. Use a journal or notebook and apply this method to work through any passage of Scripture.


Write the Scripture reference and read through the passage slowly.


Write down what you notice from the reading. For example...

• What’s the main point the author is trying to get across?
• What’s something challenging or new?
• Is there anything in the passage you want to study more?


Write down how this applies to your life today.

• How does this challenge you to live as a disciple?
• How does it intersect with your current life circumstances?

• Is God speaking a word of encouragement or challenge to you directly?


Write your prayer to God in response to what you’ve read.