BridgePointe Christian Church

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Lent 2021

Lent 2021

The season of Lent— the 40 days leading up to Easter —provides a period of mindfulness and momentum as we anticipate the events of the crucifixion and resurrection. Through the practices of Bible reading, prayer and fasting we train ourselves to think often of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection, making it more and more a part of who we are. As a result, the celebration of these events on Good Friday and Easter Sunday will be all the more meaningful and magnificent.

Daily Bible Reading

We encourage you to use the Genesis Scripture Guide during Lent to engage in Scripture during the Alpha series. As we focus on Jesus in the beginning we can remember how he was working from the start to come to earth and die for our sins. 

Prayer and Fasting

Wednesday, February 17th is the first day of Lent. This first Wednesday and then each week during Lent we will fast and have a different prayer focus we can pray about as individuals. We then invite you to join us on Wednesday nights from 8:30-9:30 PM at our weekly prayer gathering via Zoom to end the day praying together.

Zoom Meeting ID: 844 9649 6322

Throughout Scripture we see fasting as an opportunity to deepen our connection with God. If you are new to fasting we invite you to skip one meal and take that time to pray and be with God. Fasting reminds us our greatest need is God and His Kingdom. He is the one who sustains and nourishes our souls. (You can read a little more about fasting in this blog post.)

Here is a list of what we will focus our fasting and prayer on each week:

  • 2/17: Confession + Repentance

  • 2/24: Unity in the Church

  • 3/3: Racial Reconciliation

  • 3/10: The Persecuted Church

  • 3/17: Immediate Family

  • 3/24: Foster Care

  • 3/31: Reaching the East Bay

Holy Week

The week before Easter we will walk through the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus. This week is called Holy Week, or Passion Week, and invites us to remember the story of Jesus suffering and find our place in it.

We will be releasing daily devotional videos this week, culminating in an online Good Friday service at 7:30 on April 2nd. We’ll have more details available as we get closer to this week.